Chapter 11 - Judgement

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Liv looked around the big conference hall she has never seen before. The dark interior emitted a white light from seemingly everywhere, often forcing Liv to squint. She hasn't seen many courtrooms before, but something was telling her that this wasn't a traditional one. First of all it lacked a raised desk for the judge. Mainly because there was no judge. They were to decide his fate together. Ben settled at the end of the oval glass table in an armchair slightly bigger than the rest. Liv wasn't sure but it seemed like the table was slightly slope as it stretched towards the heavy entrance doors. Then in a last attempt to entertain her bored mind she inspected the court her brother has gathered up.

Of course, Ben took the main seat, filling the room with his overseeing presence. Now he leaned back, his arms crossed and if Liv didn't know him better she would have thought he was nervous. Rey seemed a bit bored as she played with her hair, sometimes sparing a glance towards Ben when a curious light lit her cheeks, but it faltered as soon as it came and she never dared to ask whatever was on her mind. At the other end of the table sat, now again Major Ceresa and Captain Ralba. Ceresa seemed to explain something to the sceptical Ralba with her great gestures, often glancing towards Liv or Ben. The doctors were able to save Ceresa's leg, as it later turned out that blasters can do worse damage than they thought. She was still limping and Liv guessed that she must still be on heavy painkillers. It also surprised her that even tough she should have stayed in bed she felt like it was her duty to testify against Hux.

The only other familiar face she's noticed was a resistance captain's she's only seen a few times back on her planet. He looked incredibly uncomfortable in his black leather seat and beads of sweat were already glistening on his forehead. Beside them she could only see strict looking First Order officers and empty seats, yet to be filled. To be exact she counted twenty-one.

Thankfully, Plato was nowhere to be found and Liv felt a rush of guilt as this thought filled her with gladness. After he had left the stars consoled Liv until she could think clearly again. She knew very well, that there is nothing to blame Plato for. It wasn't really his fault, Liv knew that it is herself who must change and accept. She hated to think about what Plato has called love. For her that word was confusing and so much, yet nothing at the same time.

The Empress wouldn't be present, they knew that. No matter how hard Liv begged her she kept saying that she's too old for this and it's time for Liv to grow up. Though Liv didn't want to accept it she guessed that her mother was probably right.

The two-winged door kept opening as new members of the court fled in, greeted and sat strictly. After minutes there was only one seat left empty, just next to Rey. The seat of the Empress' representative. Everybody kept casting eternally curious glances towards the door, waiting for the lucky one's arrival with held back breaths. Ben checked the time. Whoever was that moron his mother had chosen, he was two minutes late. And just at the moment Ben had cleared his throat to order somebody to fetch the unlucky guy, the doors swung open.

"My apologies everyone, but your corridors are literal mazes." Poe said with his always excited, and slightly sly smile.

Rey's eyes lit up and she smiled as her friend took his place next to her. Ben buried his face in his hands and groaned an annoyed 'Seriously?' that only Liv could hear.

It was weird for Liv to see how so many people can fall into a shocked silence like they'd be one being. Poe's presence has no deny caused a rumble, then fearful blinks and head turnings along the seats.

"What are you doing here?" Rey whispered while trying to repress a giggle.

"I'm Leia's representative, in Hux's case. See? I'm important." He just couldn't stop smiling as he casually leaned back, fidgeting with his fingers.

"These are serious matters, you know that, right?" Her fresh cheer faded as she crossed her arms.

"Listen, I hate everyone in the First Order as much as you."

Rey lowered her head and spared a hidden glance for Ben as a deep sigh left her lips. "I doubt that."

Just at the moment she had finished the doors opened and a rather weary former general stumbled in, his hands shackled in front of him. His head lowered as his always splendid ginger hair now carelessly fell into his face. Two troopers gently shoved him into a small chair at the end of the table. His posture was feeble, exhausted. He seemed broken, but Ben knew that looks weren't all. A gasp ran along the line of officers as they took a closer look at him. He wasn't just stripped from his dignity, but Liv noticed with unexplainable disgust, that his badges have been forcefully ripped off from his dark uniform.

She had trouble tearing her gaze away from the shocking phenomenon. "What did you do to him?" She hissed with a spiking look.

"What do you mean?" Ben asked with innocence as he had barely paid a glance towards her before locking onto Hux again.

"I think I've heard enough stories about what goes on in those ruthless prison cells of yours."

"I didn't lay a finger on him, I swear." Now he turned his head and looked into her eyes, signalling without words that he really speaks the truth this time.

"Maybe you didn't, but-" Before she could properly scold him the prisoner seemed to slightly shift in his chair.

And for the first time, he moved. He lifted up his head in painful slowness and glared straight into Ben's eyes. Then he froze again in furious silence, not wanting to spit up the answers himself. In time, the widened pupils slowly turned towards Ben, waiting for his word to finally start accusing the fallen revolutionary. Rey noted with confusion that Ben was still casually leaning back like he would own the place. He didn't show a spark of attention, his posture mocked boredom and the only true emotion was annoyance blushing his cheeks.

At last he cleared his throat and spoke in the voice of high authority. "Why did you do it?"

This lethargy shocked all, but mostly Poe whose glances were darting between the hunched over Hux, Rey and Ben. Leia told him that he would be a judge in her name, but at that moment he realised that this was a lot of things mixed together, but not the court of justice. This was an interrogation and likely an execution at the same time.

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