dont be a bitch

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"Hey, you okay, Kaminari?" asked the cause of all his problems, Izuku Midoriya.

Kaminari sneered. "I'm fine. Why don't you go worry about your little girlfriend? Huh? Where's Y/n?"

Izuku looked shaken, but backed off with his hands in the air.


Y/n looked over and saw the sneer plastered over her friend's face. Deku was backing away from him and retreating to his normal group of friends.

"Y/n, why don't you go see what's wrong with Kaminari? You are his closest friend afterall," claimed Yaomomo.

The h/c girl nodded in agreement.

She bounded over to his seat and sat on top of his desk. He scowled. "Y/n, you have a boyfriend. You can't be hanging out with me."

Y/n stared at him with the deadest eyes she could muster. "Denki, don't be bitch. You fucking idiot.

He stared back blankly. Finally deciding on rolling his eyes, he turned to the front of the class and ignored her.

"Sero! Denki's bein' a bitch to me and Izu!"


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