ARC 6 : A + A

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Chapter 63

The next day, Rhine body temperature was scalding and his consciousness fuzzy. The poison from the Scarlet Bone Fishes has flared up and with his constitution, although it would not be life-threatening, it would further slow down his recovery.

Shang Ke felt around his body and found a signal mirror, although it cannot directly send a signal to the base, it can absorb solar energy and reflect a red light. As long as some troops were passing by, they would be found. But shining it at night was too conspicuous, easily drawing the attention of the anthropod so Shang Ke had not used it.

In the anthropod's domain, edible plant life was basically extinct and the only thing he could catch were some aquatic animals of common insects. Finding wild beasts was not something he would think about right now; he had neither the time or strength to catch one. The beasts that could survive in the anthropod's territory were no doubt beyond violent and tough.

Shang Ke stabbed and caught two fishes in the river, dug up some scallops and after cleaning them somewhat, quickly returned to the pine valley tree.

Rhine suddenly opened his eyes, but seeing that Shang Ke was back, his gloomy face relaxed somewhat.

"I caught two fishes, we're eating sashimi today." Shang Ke raised the fishes and scallops that were wrapped in leaves.

Rhine silently gazed at his smiling face with gentleness and single-minded devotion.

Shang Ke sat between the tree fork, took out his dagger and sliced the meat with practiced ease on the carefully arranged leaves. Following that, he picked up the scallop, and a fishy smell hit Rhine straight in the face, causing him to wrinkle his nose and frown.

Shang Ke asked when he noticed his reaction, "Not used to this smell?"

Rhine nodded.

"That's fine, try it after it's roasted."

"Roast?" Rhine did not know how Shang Ke was planning to roast anything, this place was clearly unsuitable for making a fire.

"Watch me." Shang Ke used a couple tree branches that are hard to burn and setted up a small grill between the fork. He placed the cleaned scallops on the frame and poured a couple drops of nutrient fluids on each. After that, he turned on the fire device and started to roast them.

Rhine watched, stunned. He really didn't expect that Shang Ke could still roast food under this kind of situation where they barely have anything.

"Here, eat some sashimi to pad your stomach first." Shang Ke moved a piece of fish with his fingers next to Rhine's mouth.

Rhine silently ate it, his hair drooping over his forehead. The gaze he used to watch Shang Ke resembled a large dog waiting for his master to feed him.

While Shang Ke was tranquil on the surface, he was gloating in his heart: See little guy, you also have such a day! So what if you act all high and mighty and wild, so what if you abuse your authority, after you're injured you still have to rely on this lord to take care of you. Ha, ha, ha.

After the sashimi was cleaned off, the scallops were also done. After he uncovered the leaf, a rich fragrance hit their senses. Although it did not have any seasoning, the pure and natural flavor of zero pollution was still the freshest delicacy.

Shang Ke used his knife to dig out the piping hot scallop meat and blew on it to cool it, before putting it by Rhine's mouth again.

Rhine did not fear burning himself, so he ate it in a couple of bites. He had assumed that these few days would be hard to endure, but someone just had to have skills even under such conditions, allowing them to live a free and easy life, bringing him endless delight.

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