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Chapter 172: Ghost Assistant (IV)

TL: Resonance


The next day, Gibbs really asked someone to install cameras in the villa. From now on, Shao Feidu’s daily life is all exposed to the camera.

Shang Ke can destroy the cameras easily, but it doesn’t solve the root cause of the problem and offers only a moment of freedom. The best solution is to drive Mu Zhen away and don’t allow him the chance to control Shao Feidu’s life.

However, Shao Feidu was probably unable to settle this issue on his own judging by his current condition. The first thing Shang Ke thought of was Shao Feidu’s father. He didn’t know what their relationship was like. Up until now, he hasn’t seen him coming over to visit or sending his regards. Doesn’t he care whether his son is living well or not?

To obtain more useful information, Shang Ke decided to visit the Shao family personally to check on the situation. After his investigation, he immediately understood Shao Feidu’s current situation.

The Shao family is a very rich family in the northern capital. Shao Feidu’s father, Shao Qidong, is the head of the Shao family. This person has business talent, but is very fickle and has married three wives successively. Shao Qidong’s first wife was Shao Feidu’s mother and she was a pianist. Under her influence, Shao Feidu grew a strong interest in music and displayed amazing talent.

Unfortunately, good times didn’t last long. Shao Feidu’s mother died in a car accident when he was 10 years old. Ever since then, Shao Feidu started showing autistic tendencies. However, his condition gradually got better under the doctor’s treatment. All this lasted until Shao Qidong remarried. From then on, Shao Feidu had a stepmother and a 7 years old younger brother.

This “stepmother” was one of the women Shao Qidong kept outside. The “younger brother” was also his real flesh and blood. There were still plenty of such women and children, they just didn’t have an official name.

Therefore, Shao Qidong really didn’t care about the son who only loves music. It was especially so after he remarried and Shao Feidu’s autistic tendencies got worse. There was no value in training Shao Feidu when comparing him to his smarter younger brother and sister.

When Shao Feidu had his first world tour performance at age 14, Shao Qidong divorced his second wife and married his current wife. After that, he hired a new manager for Shao Feidu and let him take care of Shao Feidu’s life and studies. From then on, he no longer asked about Shao Feidu.

That manager is Mu Zhen.

Shao Qidong has at least 10 children kept outside, he had no extra energy to care about Shao Feidu at all. Mu Zhen is also very smart. He didn’t treat Shao Feidu badly in his daily life aspect. At the very least, he had done well in front of outsiders. Therefore, Shao Qidong felt at ease about him. He didn’t care about Shao Feidu’s income and expenditure at all.

It is clear that he can’t depend on Shao Qidong. Shao Feidu’s relatives on his mother’s side are all overseas and didn’t have much contact these years.

Shang Ke felt that this was the world his man had it the worst. He was born in a rich family with wealth more than billions and was also internationally renowned. However, his life was controlled by someone and he became their money-making tool.

Shang Ke decided to put aside his reviving mission and settle Shao Feidu’s matters first.

He investigated Mu Zhen’s financial situation and business dealings and found out that he had invested in several projects using Shao Feidu’s name. Most of the projects are overseas which can help him conceal this from others.

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