I open up the apartment door with my key and yell, "Marilla!"

Marilla appears from the kitchen and sees me and Gilbert.

"Anne, who is this?" she asks. 

I ignore her question and ask, "Why did you lie to me."

Marilla is silent, then she says, "What are you speaking of?"

"You know damn well what she is talking about. She's talking about you lying about-" Gilbert begins but then I squeeze his hand to shut him up. Thankfully he does. 

Marilla takes a step closer, "I don't know who you are, but I don't like you. You have no right to be getting into the business between my daughter and I. I would suggest you shut you mouth"

"I am not your daughter anymore. You were apart of Nathan and Mr. Dunlop's stupid act and you didn't tell me. You lied to me about leaving so you would look innocent," the expression on Marilla face changes from anger to guilt. I know I got her in a corner, "I'm staying in Avonlea without you."

"And where will you stay?" she asks confidently. I haven't thought that far but I'll figure it out. 

"With me." Gilbert steps in. I look at him in shock and he looks at Marilla with anger. 

Marilla looks at me, "Anne you wouldn't leave me to live with this boy would you? I've been your mother for the past 9 years and you're willing to throw that away?" I don't know if I can leave her... 

What else has she lied to me about? Did she care more about Nathan than me? Since they came, she changed into a different person, doing her hair differently, cleaning more often. It was strange. What about Matthew? She cried over him but then acted like he never existed after he died. When I was with Billy and I told her about my abuse, she didn't care. She liked that we were together because of his parents. Because of his money.

I've had enough of her.

One day // anne x gilbertWhere stories live. Discover now