Part 1: Birth of a monster.

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Hello everyone! Maxazann's here! So, the first story I ever worked on, and It'll be a high school DXD fic! It also exists on, but I figured I'd also put it here that have easier feedbacks. So, of course, I do not own either High school DXD or BAOH, both these works belong to their authors. I also do not own the cover image, it belongs to Horoko on deviant art. But enough boring things, on with the story! 

It began late at night, the sun was slowly setting and the weather was clear. The wind blew across the forest, making some of the leaves fly away with the movement of the tree branches. But deep in this forest, far from everyone and everything stood a lonesome structure made of concrete that looked like a laboratory. Inside this structure were a lot of sophisticated machines, scientists and a strange coffin-like structure made of metal with glass on top so you could see what's inside.

"Heartbeat rate is steady, breath is slow and brain function at the lowest rate possible thanks to the drug. The subject is fully okay Sir Arstaal!" said one of the scientists to a tall man. This person was bald with a furry brown mustache and wore black dress shoes, dress pants, and a black shirt. He had pale skin and green eyes that glowed a little with the lack of light inside the room.

"Tell me more about the vessel. He's still young right?"

"Yes, sir. He is 20 years old and was taken from a normal human family four years ago in the nearest town. It seems he has a strong will as well a strong body, just the type of body the larva will easily develop into without crushing it. We killed both his parents in a car accident after they came back from his first day at high-school and took him here in hopes to tame him. We ran tests on him for the first year, proving that is body would be able to hold the training. Then we trained him and finally put him in the capsule. We used an A class amnesic potion, so he should not remember his training. He has been in this capsule for more than a month and his body has finally transformed into a suitable host for the Baoh."

"Perfect! With this creature, Sir Kokabiel will be able to restart this war! We'll fight! We'll win!" said Arstall to his team of brains. But has he was laughing, a woman scientist looked at him with the corner of her eyes.

'It's horrible...' she thought to herself. 'I shouldn't have worked with them. I must do something to make amend. I have to free him!" She finished and started to walk to one of the computers. 'I won't let them do it... Even if it cost me my life, he will not become their toy!' Full of determination, she pressed one of the buttons on the computer. Soon after an alarm ringed and a red light started to shine in the whole lab. All the scientists started to panic and move to the computers; trying to figure out what was going on.

"What is happening? Why is the water pressure dropping?" asked the head scientist "Who pushed the locking button mechanism? Shut it down!"

"Sir! The pressure is dropping too quickly! He's about to awake!" yelled a scientist. "I'll call the security!" yelled another. As all the scientist were trying to keep what was inside the metal coffin asleep, the woman tried to flee discreetly but was stopped by Arstall, who materialized what seemed to be a spear made of light.

"So you're the traitor. I should have died insect!" As soon as he finished his sentence, he moved his spear forward and impaled the woman in the stomach. She started to cough blood before the fallen angel let her fall on the ground, bleeding to death.

"Sir Arstall! Please help us! He's starting to awake!" yelled one of the scientists as they were trying to force the upper part of the metal capsule down. Arstall moved to it and used his enhanced strength to help the scientists, but as he watched the glasses that showed the inside of the coffin, Arstall saw something that he didn't think he would see.

Issei, the visitor.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora