The blond nun.

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Here's a new chapter. Have a good read and I'll see you at the end!

Rias was the first to awake. She felt a little groggy from the fact that she just woke up and ashamed by the dreams she had during her slumber. 'H-how could I go from me being saved by Issei in shining armor to an SM fantasy? I really need to calm down sometimes...' She thought as she looked up to Issei, who was still resting. 'He seems peaceful like this, it's hard to believe that he is a being even stronger than fallen angels and devils...' she thought before she looked at her alarm clock. 'I still have an hour before I need to wake up. Do I wake Issei now?'

She pondered for a little while, before nuzzling in his pecs again. 'Just a little more won't kill me. And it's so nice here...' And she didn't lie. Issei gave her a warmth that made her feel really good and secured, like a cloak that would protect her from everything. 'I even feel like there is a wall between me and everything that's bad for me... protecting me from Riser.' Just the name of this man disgusted her. 'I won't be able to beat him, not alone... But if Issei lent me a hand, I'm sure he would be able to take him all by himself... But I won't force him. I'll ask later and if he refuses, then I'll find another way.' She said to herself before she closed her eyes slowly, drifting into sleep without realizing it.

One hour later.

Rias was awoken again by smooth caress on her back made by big hands and someone calling onto her. She opened her eyes again to see that Issei was the one that was caressing her with a gentle smile.

"Wow, didn't think you would wake up from that...

"I-Issei? W-when did you... W-What time is it?

"Your alarm clock went on earlier. I awoke from it, but you were still sleeping, so I decided to wake you up. You're only five minutes late.

"Th-thank you Issei." She said while blushing a little. 'Issei is too comfortable for my own good...'

"No problems. How about you go and take a shower? I'll cook breakfast for us."

Rias nodded before standing up and heading to the bathroom. She took her night robe off and started to wash, taking a bit more time than usual. After all, she didn't need to make her bento (Meal that Japanese student brings to school) nor her breakfast, she had a real cordon bleu to make it. She loved the feeling of hot water pouring down on her. But it wasn't the same kind of warmth as with Issei. She did feel relaxed, but not totally safe, only Issei made her feel that way.

'It's nice to feel that someone is here for me. I really need to find something to thank him, but what...' she then had an idea. "How could I forget about him? He's just the right size!" She focused her mana in her palm to create a magic circle. The circle appeared and rotated onto himself for a while before a woman appeared in it. She wore a French maid outfit, and long black hairs and two horns on her forehead.

"You have called on to me Milady?

"Yes, Shirana. I want you to go and ask Arbatuur to give me dress shoes and socks, dress pants and a white shirt. I need them quickly.

"I am sure he would be happy to give them to you, but why so suddenly?

"It's for one of my friends in the human realm, and only Arbatuur is near his sizes. Send them to my flat in the human realm as soon as possible.

"I will do it at once Milady." The maid said while bowing before the magic circle disappeared. Rias smiled before she put her uniform on and headed toward the kitchen, a towel on her hair. As she was closed to the kitchen, she smelled something really good coming from the table. Issei was sitting, waiting for her.

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