What you are, what we are.

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HEY! Maxazann's here with chapter two! Nothing new to say here, on with the chapter!

"Issei. Just Issei. I don't remember anything else."

His simple answer took her back a little. "You... You don't remember anything?"

He negatively shook his head "When I woke up, I didn't even remember my name... I was." Issei stopped mid-sentence, thinking of what he was to say. 'I can't tell a normal human my condition. She'll run away from me If I tell her that I'm not a human'. "I woke up in the forest nearby, but I didn't remember a thing about me, neither why I was here." Issei hoped that this lie would be enough; he didn't want to explain all he went through to a new girl, even if she seemed to be nice to him.

"That must be horrible." Said Rias in a sympathetic tone. "I... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked..." She said, genuinely sorry. She just walked on a landmine and all she could say was 'I'm sorry'.

"It's okay, I won't hold any bad feeling toward you for that." Responded Issei, trying to make Rias happy again.

"Thank you, Issei. How about we go to the restaurant now? We wouldn't want to let you Hungry for all evening!" Said the redhead, her cheerful tone back and a smile on her face. Issei felt weird with this smile, like he already saw it before, but couldn't find where... 'Must have been before my memory loss. It's not important for now.'

"Yes ma'am, Lead the way please." The teen answered, also becoming in a cheerful mood. He was glad that he met someone as kind as Rias.

So they both started going to the center of the city. As they were walking, Issei saw that a lot of peoples were looking at him and Rias. Of course, he didn't have a normal physic at all, and Rias seemed to be quite famous around here. "Everyone seems to look at you Rias. You seem really famous !"

"Well, I am famous at school you could say." Said Rias while giggling.

After a short walk, they finally arrived at a fast-food in the middle of the city center. Issei glanced around the streets they were in, intrigued by the fact that they seemed familiar and that he was nearly able to go on his own to the fast-food. Intrigued, Rias asked him:

"Wow, you were nearly able to go here without me! It's like you already knew where to go!"

"I...dodon't know... It all seems familiar..."

"Well, maybe you lived in this part of the city before your black-out. How about we go inside? We're both hungry I think." Said the demon with a smile. This smile was a truly beautiful and warm smile, but Issei was sure that he saw it before, but he couldn't point where.

"Y-yeah, I would love to." Issei walked ahead and held the door open for the redhead, who thanked him for that. The two made their way to the cashier, and after a small wait, it was finally their turn to order.

"Hi! What will you take ?" said the cashier, with a small smile. It was late, so she was probably tired.

"Eat as much as you like Issei, it's no problem!"

After a small hesitation, Issei ordered a lot. Like, REALLY much. Rias was impressed by the quantity of food he took.

"Are you going to eat it all? Alone?"

"Sorry, did I ordered too much? Was it too pricey? I shouldn't have asked for so much..."

"No! It's not a problem! I told you, it's a small way to thank you. I just couldn't let an amnesic walk around hungry, it was common sense!"

"You're really nice Rias. I'm glad I met you. People like you are scares nowadays." He gave her a genuine smile, which made Rias blush a little. 'He is really nice. But why do I sense something else from him? It's like he's not totally human. Maybe a half-breed? I wonder which kind thought, I never smelled something like that. It smells wild, powerful, untamed...' She trailed off, before returning back to reality and see that Issei Already ate nearly half of his food. In a matter of minutes.

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