Chapter 1

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I have to be The Virus


It's a summer afternoon, and I'm riding my bike trying to catch the sun before it falls behind the hills of Los Santos. It's somewhat my day off, so I thought after a very uneventful day, that watching the sun set was the best idea before tomorrow.

It's been a couple of minutes of riding before I found my little secret. Well it's not really secret, it's just gated off so no one bothers going through. I like the idea that it's my secret though. So I quickly rode through a gap in the fence when no one was around and revved my way to the top.

Slowing down I found myself on top of a secluded hill, the dust settling around me. Turning the motor off, I take in the deepest breathe when I took the view in. Even with all the shit that goes down, it'll still feel like home. And feeling the warm rays of the sun on my skin, seeing the red, orange and pink hues in the sky, blending with the white of the clouds, that's what I live for, so I can witness this feeling again.

But of course every good moment comes to an end eventually, just as the sun disappears, as if on cue my phone rings. I glance down and get serious, then answer.

'Leon.' I say stern,

"Ah yes, Virus. I need you to come in tonight. We need to discuss further plans.' The deep voice spoke.

I start the engine back up.

"Okay. I'll be there in thirty."

He hangs up, and I slid my phone back in the pocket. riding my bike down the hill. I honestly didn't want to leave, it felt as if the last rays of the sun where trying to tug be back up the hill. but I continue passing the gate and head back to the cluster of lights in the distance. Riding myself back to a sinister reality.

Pulling up at a warehouse, I hear the metal groan as two beefed up guys heave them open. For a wealthy bunch of gangs, they sure don't know how to upgrade locations. Setting the thought aside, I roll into the warehouse, parking my bike. Hearing the slam of the doors behind me, I pull my helmet off, adjusting my bandana on my face. Even though I'm working for them, they still can't be trusted easily.

I walk up a set of metal stairs, knocking on the door at the top, a metal slide opens and two grey fierce eyes glare through, it slams close and the door swings open. The man dressed in the black tux and orange tie greets me.

"Virus, glad to see you made it."

ignoring his attempt at being nice. "So what you adding or changing to the plan?" I pass him and sit at the big round table in the centre of the room.

He closes the door and approaches his chair but doesn't sit. " My men have heard through the streets, that Vanoss and his crew-' he scowled at his name, ' Have been keeping an eye on you, not in suspicion thankfully. But they want you to join their crew, and I believe this gives us a great advantage. Anyway, i got the message around through to people, that got it to them somehow. That you are interested." He paused to look at me. "Word got back, and Vanoss says they'll find you."

I nod slowly processing what he just said. I'm bloody joining their crew, and Loen thought it was a brilliant Idea to just to throw me into their grasps. I just nodded, I had no say in this, as I was under a contract. He starts to ramble on if I stay in their HQ what to do, blah blah blah. Even though this man makes cops wet themselves. He doesn't bother me one bit. Not saying he wont blow my brain to bits if i mess up, but he's just another broken man with power.

Anyway, after he briefed me of the plan one last time, I was off riding through the streets of los Santos, just waiting to Vanoss and his crew to find me, as I and no one else can find them. I headed back to my studio apartment after aimlessly riding, parking my ride back the safety of the garage. I entered the elevator pressing my level, I leaned back against the wall and waited, ding, I step out, unlocking my apartment door, it was dark and cold and the curtain blew effortlessly, I instantly knew someone was in here. I stopped in my tracks, scanning the room with my eyes, nothing was stolen. But the figure sitting on my couch, made my breath hitch. It was dark but the moon highlighted their figure.

Not risking it, i swiftly pull my gun out and hitched my bandana back up my face. "I believe you have the wrong fucking apartment" I keep the gun at my side, but flick the lights on. I person was just casually sitting on my couch, that wasn't weird, but the mask they were wearing wasn't comforting, it was a hokey mask.

I saw his eyes glance at my gun "hey Lady chill!" the guy stood up. "I'm just the messenger."

I raise my eyebrow, keeping my eyes on the guy "well? Whats the message"

He clears his voice and mocks someone i don't know "You're coming with us"

What? The hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I swing myself around pointing the gun at whoever was behind me, but the person effortlessly knocked the gun out of my hand and that person... is a pig?

" SHIT, chill bro you can't go aimlessly pointing those things around. Just make this easy for both of us." The pig man handed me a blindfold. 

I hesitantly took it from him, still cautious of the guy behind. "Who are you guys?' i glare.

"oh right, that man over there is Delirious, and I'm Wildcat. But you may know the name Vanoss better, he's our boss.' the man, now known as Wildcat stated.

"Oh, Vanoss and The crew. right. and I guessing you need me to put this on so you can take me to you hideout?" I guessed 

"Spot on!" Delirious laughed " But you can put it on in our car, cause I don't wanna carry her out man." Her whined. 

"Fine Del, follow me." he beckoned you to follow, you went to reach for your gun, but a hand stopped you. 

'Na uh Virus, you wont be needing that." I huffed and glared at Delirious. 

"Fine." I walk out of my apartment and slid into the back of a white ferrari, tying the blindfold on as ordered. Wildcat and Delirious sat in the front and bickered back and forth until they decided to blare music while they drove me to their hideout.

Well, it's time to finally meet the enemy. 

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