Chapter 3

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I don't know if i'm ready for this whole 'team' thing.


It's the next day, I didn't get much sleep after Wildcat and Delirious dropped me off, as the thought of my 'trial' kept me up. I tried to push the trial aside when I got up, walking out of my bedroom I make my way to the kitchen, seeing the coffee machine pre made my coffee. Plopping myself on the couch I turn the TV on hearing the latest news of Los Santos. 

Seeing the same old man talking about the latest murder and robbery as if it never happens all the time here. I sigh and turn it off, sipping the last drops of coffee.


I seemed to loose track of time until my phone started ringing, making me glance at the time displayed 8:24pm, followed by the name 'Leon'.

"Leon" I answered the call

"Virus. Just ringing for any update on Vanoss and The Crew." Leon sounding hopeful for once.

"Yeah I do. I had an encounter last night. They're a lot different to what I had thought, but it seems like there is progress." I summarise. 

"That's good, very good. If things go to plan, this may be easier than I thought." I could feel him smirk proudly to himself. 

"Don't get your hopes up. Even from what I've seen of them, they may be deceiving." I refer thinking back to those bloody animal masks.

"Well just keep doing your job right. Then we won't have a problem." He states sternly.

"Yes, Of course." He ends the call, and I glance back to the time. I better get ready.  I change out of my previous clothes and throw on a plain white shirt, black jeans, boots and a leather jacket. Not forgetting my bandana. Simple but it'll get the job done. 

While I'm at my closet, I move all my clothes aside, revealing my small shelf of weapons. I shove a knife in my boot, hiding the handle under the cuff of my jeans. I grab a handgun and a pistol with a silencer, placing them in my back pockets. That's should be enough. I don't thing bringing a bigger gun would be good. I contemplate gazing over my selection of bigger guns, I move my clothes back to cover them up. 

It's nearly 11pm when I walk out of my apartment complex, and briskly walk down the street and into the nearby alley, cool air hits my face when I walk through. I see the next alley way that's behind my apartment, and I can just make out a figure, noticing an abnormally large head. That has to be one of them. Their head turns in my direction, but they don't speak or move until I get closer. 

"Virus?" The man with a monkey mask asks.

"Yeah it's me, where's Vanoss?" I scan behind him not seeing anyone else.

"He's with the others at the location, I'm here to take you there." He holds out his hand. "Basically is what I go by.' I stare at his hand, but eventually take it. 

"Nice name." After a brief shake, he turns and starts walking out the alley way. "Also, why can't I just drive there? I'm capable of getting there myself." I saying a little annoyed of being chaperoned everywhere. 

He follows my question with a shrug. "Don't know. Vanoss's order" I follow him out of the alley way and he walks towards an old school muscle car. Shit they have sweet rides. Unlocking the car he hops in and I follow suite, getting into the passenger side. 

He starts the car up and we are off, heading towards Vinewood. Basically tries to make some small talk, but I wasn't feeling it, so he turned the radio on. I noticed that it was actually listening into the police feed. "We need backup in Paleto Bay. Reports and sightings of gang activity. Gang still unknown." One cop reports. "Backup on its way." other speaks through a minute later. Sounds typical. 

It's not long before we reach the wealthy hills of Vinewood, Basically kept driving passed all the mansions, ending up on the backstreets behind. I can see a few flashy cars parked, but all distant from each other. Basically flashes his lights , I guess letting them know we are here. He pulls up beside a familiar Ferrari.

I hear a phone ring but it's not mine. "Yes I have Virus. Uh huh, got it. Hold on." Basically mumbles and pulls the phone away from his ear and presses the speaker button. "You're on."

"Virus. Glad you showed up" I didn't recognise the voice. "I'll give you a quick update one whats happening. So we need you to give someone a visit, as they have not kept up with his payments. Refrain from killing him, we just want the money, which is 5 grand and to teach him a lesson.  Um, the rest of us will survey the area and wait. Once you're finished come back here, and one of us will collect you. Basically will point out the house, and the you do your work when you see the last car leave.' He pauses " Clear?" 

"Clear to me" I look at Basically. "Thanks Terroriser" Basically hangs up. "Alright, the guys house is that one." He points to a house down the hill. "He has camera's on the outside. We don't know whats inside the house so you just have to make sure to get in without being detected ", Basically turns to me "Okay, got it" I say as I open the door. 

"and good luck kid." I halt "Thanks, but who you calling a kid?" I shut the door behind. I hear the cars start up, and one by one they disperse back into the main streets Vinewood. The last car leaves, leaving me by myself.

Let's go

I swiftly make my way down to the back of the house, making sure to come from the side so I'm hidden. My back is up against a wooden fence, I pop my eyes over, surveying the backyard. I see two cameras, both on each corner of the roof, facing the backdoor. There's an outside light also.

Why does he need two cameras facing there though?

I do another scan, and notice the subtle flash of red coming from a bush. Ah there you are.

I quickly pull my pistol out and aim it. I pull the trigger, hitting the hidden camera and in one motion I shoot the two others, and the light, causing electrical sparks to go everywhere. 

I hope the fence once the sparks settle. I crouch low just incase. I swiftly run to the back wall of the house, and peer inside. I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, only that it was dark and the guy has his window unlocked. 

I gave the window a push, just to see if it creaked. It didn't. I gave one last 360 scan before cracking the window further and making my way through. 

Here goes nothing.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 27, 2019 ⏰

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