1. Please Don't make me fall for you {Damon Salvatore}

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: SALStratton

Part One

The fireworks shoot up into the pitch black sky and explode into colourful spirals. I watched them with fascination. Such colours reminded me of the picture I painted on a black canvas when I was a child; it still hangs in my bedroom.  There was a short interval from the show so I looked around. I saw a big family of all huddled up close together on the floor. It was an adorable site, the children were tiny and the brothers and sisters (I assumed) were hugging to keep warm; the total opposite of the stereotypical view of how brothers and sisters should act. I felt my heart drop in my heart when I thought of how my family were. I remember how my brother and I used to throttle each other. Smiling to myself I walk towards a near by burger stand.

I waited in the long queue for a good ten minutes before getting a vegetarian burger with cheese. I’m not really a vegetarian, I’m just very picky with the meat I eat and I don’t trust the makers that it is actually meat. (I’m weird I know)

I returned to the spot I was sitting at and at that exact moment the show continued. In such a loud, crowded huge park anyone would not have noticed someone come and sit beside them; but I’m not just anyone. I could feel their strong aura hit me like a silent bolt of lightning, so strong, so intense and alluring that I had to look over at them.

His long black hair was so shiny that the rainbow colours reflected of it. It took all my will power not to reach out and run my fingers through it. His face was perfectly structured; his nose at a perfect angle and hi lips were to die for. I gawked soaking up every little piece of detail saving his eyes till last. Blue. Pale blue, almost grey, eyes stared ahead at the display. I’m glad he didn’t see me staring like a complete idiot.

“Do you like what you see?” he said, his voice low and manly. He turned his head and looked at me full on. My eyes widen as his locked mine; keeping me there for what seemed like hours.

I gathered up the courage to answer “Um...yes, the show is really nice this year.” I tore my eyes away to the smoky sky and heard the crowd applaud as the fireworks ended.

I looked back at the gorgeous stranger next to me and he was drinking from an opaque bottle. “Mmm...That’s good stuff.” I watched him swallow the liquid quickly and his eyes close. A smile spread across his face. He looked strangely attractive to me right now, I could feel my heart beat quicken.

“Do I know you?” I didn’t mean to sound rude but I didn’t feel awkward or uncomfortable, like how I felt meeting new people.

“In due time you will,” He smiled at me and I felt myself freeze up. The mouth full of pearl white teeth made the smile of a lethal predator. I’m not sure why but with the combination of his looks he seamed dangerous.


“Shh. Lets just say...I’m a future client.”

WHAT THE HELL!? This Total Stranger is telling me ‘I’m a future client’! What did he mean ‘client’? I don’t have a business. Well...I do work at starbucks, does that count?

I didn’t get the chance to ask him what he meant because all of a sudden he was gone. Weird. I had to get up before getting trampled by people trying to return their home.

The sky held no moon and the street lamps around me flickered. Where I lived was very...remote. Only a handful of people lived in my area. There were a few narrow streets to walk through to get home from the park. I couldn’t help but feel a bit scared on the lonely pavement. Shadows seamed to flicker and move around me but I assumed it was just a trick of the light. My building was just a couple steps away when my frizzy brown hair was wrenched back into an alley. I let out cry but a pale hand covered my mouth.

“I told you I’m a future client. The future is-” his voice was hoarse and he paused and inhaled the scent of my neck. Tears ran down my eyes as I realised it was the guy from the park. I knew there was something different about him; I could feel it in my bones. Now he was close to me I knew for sure what he must be...vampire!

“The future is now!” he panted, I felt his fangs pierce the skin on my neck. I screamed and screamed but nothing happened, he wouldn’t let go of me and I felt myself slipping. Slipping away from reality into what felt like a blurry dream. Was I high?

The blood had been drawn from my body and my legs could no longer support me. This was so...different. I’d never ever experienced anything like this. It didn’t necessarily feel pleasant but it didn’t feel like the agonizing pain I would have expected. My legs finally gave way but he caught me, still latched to my neck. He did seem to be too weak to hold himself up too despite the fact that his aura was getting stronger. We both slowly fell to the ground where he pinned me down. I didn’t struggle I just let him have it; it was all he wanted from me (I hope). He was just like a leach; you shouldn’t pry them of, you should let them finish then they’ll let go. I had to think against that better judgement for I didn’t know weather he would stop or not....  




O and if you can please tweet, Like, vote, comment and share? I'd very much appreciate it. Thank you for those two people who shared this story on Facebook!!! Thank you for the tweet shivernights! If anything when I finally finish this it wont be just one book, I'll keep bringing them back :D This is an adventure/Vampire/Fantasy/Romance/Thriller with a hint of hystorical fiction. It's a lot I know, but I promise to try my best with it =D


Thanks for reading.



Please Don't Let Me Fall For You {Damon Salvatore}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें