1.Please Don't Let Me Fall For You. {Finished Chapter one}

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<P><STRONG>Second Part!!! (UNEDITED) </STRONG></P>

<P><STRONG>Authors Note: Longer waits but longer uploads! It's better that I give you longer parts ;)</STRONG></P>

<P><STRONG>Enjoy :D My deepest apologies if this is boring :(</STRONG></P>

<P><STRONG>Soory for before :( it was short but I'm going to put proper chapters up and this is the rest of chaper One :D</STRONG></P>



<P>A dreamy haze clouded my vision and I felt lifeless. I couldn't move or anything, was I even breathing? I didn't like this one bit! I blinked several times and the blurriness slowly cleared from my eyes. I was on my lying on my side in an alley. How did I get here? Why am I lying here when I should be going home? This wasn't a short cut to my flat. I got up but way to quickly, I staggered back as my legs ached. My chances of getting home without passing out was very slim. The only other place I could go for a while was the Cafe next to the alley. My hand slid across the brick walls and  let that be my guide to the cafe's dim light. </P>

<P> </P>

<P>I finally came to the corner and quickly stepped to the door; luckily it wasn't to far away from the edge. I pushed the door in and gripped the nearest table but didn't quite grip it tightly enoungh. Joe; the waitor and my science partner, ran from another table to help me. He held me for a while whilst I caught my breath. His big brown eyes were filled with fear. "What happened to you?!"</P>

<P> </P>

<P>"Joe, I...I don't know." I felt my stomach churn and a shock of pain ran through my spine causing me to cry out in pain. Joe helped me to a near by chair. I laid my head on the table trying to breath evenly. A good ten minutes passed before Joe came back with a steaming hot cup of tea. </P>

<P> </P>

<P>"Thanks Joey." I mumbled.</P>

<P> </P>

<P>"This isn't from me, Dana. It's from that guy over there." he pointed to a guy sitting with his face down, concentrating on a book he held in front of him. He was dressed in black jeans and button up shirt that seemed to thin for him to keep warm in this cold weather. </P>

<P> </P>

<P>"I don't think I know that guy." I told Joe. I looked at the guy again trying to figure out if I knew him. Black hair fell at the sides of his face and he had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. I couldn't conjure up any memory of him; those features seemed so familiar. I found myself staring at him; his looks were so...he was so....HOT! Never in my life had I seen anyone compare to how handsome this guy looked. There was something about him that screamed bad boy and part of me a piece of that action. Still, I didn't know him. Why would this random guy by me a drink? I could understand if we were in a bar or something but not in a café. At that exact moment the guy's head quickly turned to me, his eyes locked with mine and my heart began to flutter. His eyes held so much depth it was unreal. The look he gave me gave away nothing. I looked away from him at the cup of tea in front of me.  I glanced around and saw that Joe was still standing there, looking at us both then looking at the mysterious stranger up and down. I blushed a little and peeked at the guy again. He was no longer looking at me but he was looking down at a book; his cheeks were slightly raised.</P>

Please Don't Let Me Fall For You {Damon Salvatore}Where stories live. Discover now