Please Don't Let Me Fall For You. |Chapter Two|

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Okay so I haven't yet looked over this and i'm pretty sure there are a lot of typos

: ( sorry if this is boring.


My eyes opened and I yawned expecting myself to be in my warm comfortable bed in my room. But instead I was in a completely different scene far from my home...

I was in the forest. Trees surrounded me as I lay in a large clearing of dead leaves and fallen trees and branches. I bolted up to my feet and spun round, trying to figure out where I was. There were no forests where I live so I am far from the city. This place seemed so empty it felt like I was miles away from civilization too. It didn't take long for panic to kick in. Where was I?

I was breathing heavily as the sudden snap of a twig sent me practically flying. My head snapped to the large oak tree where the sound had come from. As soon as I looked a dark shadow like figure darted away from the tree to another a couple of yards away to another. I tried to keep up but this person was to fast! I have never been so frightened than I am now in my life!

The figure passed behind me and I turned to face it. Anyone would have been running in the opposite direction. For all I know this could be a complete psychopath capable of anything, but why do I find myself trying to confront them? I've actually lost it.

Some ones warm breath was moving down my neck, strangely a trail of goose bumps followed and I shivered. I timed myself perfectly for this possible encounter; I waited five second before turning quickly turning again. The person was gone!

I sighed with frustration and felt like stamping my foot.

"Hmmm the kitty has a temper." said that voice. That voice that I would never ever forget. Jack. I turned for the millionth time but was met by no one. There was a ruffling in the tree branches above. My eyes snapped up and saw the branches moving and a couple leaves fall but nothing was there.

The sound of someone whistling didn't make me jump, but if I turn and no one is there then I am going to have a massive annoyed tantrum.

When I made my way to where the whistle came from, my chest accidently brushed against something strong and broader than me. It was Jack's chest.

I slowly looked up and met those enchanting blue eyes that made my heart flutter like a thousand soft doves wings. He stared at me with that cocky smile that I felt like I had known forever but it was the one thing I could never get tired of.

"Ouch." I shoved him away from with such force he stumbled a little bit. He looked shocked; he thought he had me but he didn't, but he didn't sound the slightest bit hurt.

"Oh I didn't expect that." He said sarcastically. He paced in front of me then after a while he began to circle me. My legs felt so weak from just standing there that I sat down cross-legged. This was when I first notice how freezing cold it was. It was like the icy winter wind had just come, ruffling my hair with it. I smoothed down my short hair but the wind just came back to mess it up again. I could feel myself get hot and flustered because I was so wound up. This was so unlike me; I never cared for my appearance really because it never seemed important. I never wore makeup or heels or piles of jewelry like my friends and most girls at my school wore. What was the point of them? Did they think it made them feel pretty? I guess so because they didn't look it. I'll never ever be that kind of girl, for anyone and no one.

"A little eye liner wouldn't kill you, kitty." I looked up and Jack was standing right in front of me making me feel so small and defenseless; just like a kitten. "Heels won't kill you either...well maybe break your neck but I could fix that up nicely." Ugh! The nerve of him! how dare he think that I want his advise!

WAIT! How did he know I was thinking about that sort of stuff?! He couldn't have-

"Who asked for your opinion? I'm sure as hell I didn't." that just came out. I didn't mean for it to come out so rudely but it was slightly amusing to see him speechless for second. It was nice to have my first snappy come back.

Jack knelt down to me and looked me dead in the eye, a violent shiver ran down me; either from the cold or his intense stare. It didn't phase him one bit.

"Oh you so want my opinion. How else will you impress me?" to think I actually thought about that answer. I did NOT want to impress him!

"Why would I even want to?!" I said. There was a few moments of silence between us before he got up and began to walk away. Very mature.

"So you're just going to leave me here?! Where am I?!"

He stopped walking away and spun on his boot heal and started towards me. The look in his eyes was frightening; so intense. I quickly unfolded my legs and crawled back. He wasn't looking to good. My back hit the hard bark of a tree and from then I could not escape. He moved down to my level again and I lost myself, I couldn't think of anything that was not in front of me.

"You are confused. Let me set you straight." He pulled me up and supported me. I couldn't move! It was like the bones in my body had been magically replaced by jelly. Even my neck couldn't hold my head. My head flopped back and his came over mine, his arms held me close.

"As you look your fait in the eye, the universe plots your brutal demise." He whispered to me. What did he-

Comprising a single thought was like trying to run across water; theoretically impossible. To make it worse he was coming close. Jack pressed my small body up against him making me a shot of heat course through me. His soft pink lips positioned themselves to mine. Oh dear lord!

They were soft, moist and connected with mine so hard I truly believed I'd die from the heat of his sudden embrace. My eyes half closed, just enough to see his sexy face. I opened my mouth, giving him what he wanted; to explore. Our tongues twirled and dance together and I was moaning like crazy! If I was wearing my glasses they would have fogged up completely. I could feel his hands loosen around me and move slowly up and down my body, leaving even more hot,.

"Oh Jack!" I gasped.

That was the exact worst point in which I woke up in my bedroom, shivering from the open window. I breathed heavily for a couple minutes then got up to close the window. Crawling back into my bed I curled up into the duvet and clutched my fluffy blue pillow. It was dark out still and thinking of getting out of bed made me groan loudly.

Instead I thought of the dream, that beautiful hot dream. I touched my lips and they felt warm and utterly damp. Do I dribble? Impossible, the area I was in was dry. Jack couldn't have actually- NO! It was just a dream but why was I dreaming of him?!

I should just forget about it, I told myself. In my heart I knew that I could never. All I know is that I am disgusting to imagine a guy like that! A guy I barely know or remember!

"Dana! Dana get up!" Jamie yelled from a further away room. I grunted and rolled over.

"Dana, don't ignore me, you need to get ready so you and Rose can go to the historical fundraiser! Rose is already here!" Shit! That completely slipped my mind. I grabbed my alarm clock and it read 08:03. I have an hour to get ready and there otherwise my youth worker James will sit on me. No joke, he did that last time; he wasn't the lightest guy in the world.

Right then Rose burst into my room in an old fashioned maddens outfit and a face red. I was happy I got chosen for the young queen of Italy Marie Jose of Belgium...


Hope you liked!

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Much Love



Please Don't Let Me Fall For You {Damon Salvatore}Where stories live. Discover now