A Small Reunion

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A/N: I'm so so sorry for not updating. It's been such a busy few weeks for me. If you are interested in this again, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. I try my best to update but usually I get writer's block or don't have time. I'm horrible at school and am several lessons behind so I wont' update as frequently. Thanks for sticking with me! Bye!

The alarm rang through Sophie's ears, waking her up from her dream. She sighed. Rolling over to turn it off Biana sat up.

"I really hate that thing," she said. Sophie grunted in agreement. She yawned and stretched, trying her best to wake up. Another tutor session with Keefe. This time she was smart and laid her outfit the night before so she could wake up a little later. "Lunch again today?" Sophie nodded. 

"Always." Biana started to drift off to sleep before opening her eyes wide. 

"I forgot to tell you, Mom and Dad are coming to visit this evening." Sophie grinned. Alden and Della Vacker had always been like second parents to Sophie. After all, they were her foster parents for a while. 

After a ton of stuff had happened with her first adoptive parents, she was taken out of their custody and put into the Vackers'. Ever since then she had been treated like family. Even after she was adopted by her parents now, Edaline and Grady, she was included in every family event there was, and vice versa. Hearing that they would be coming to visit was great. Now that they were all in college, they didn't see them much anymore. 

"They want to come see you at work." Sophie nodded. 

"That would be awesome." Biana smiled and closed her eyes again. 

"We'll come on your dinner break." Sophie ran to the bathroom to get ready. This time an orange sweatshirt that had "Camp Half-Blood" written on it and some leggings with owls on it, since she was the daughter of Athena according to Buzzfeed. Sure it was a little childish but Percy Jackson was one of her favorite book series. She put on her slip on sandals again and marched up to Keefe's dorm. On the first knock the door was opened by a smiling Jensi.

"Morning!" He shouted. Sophie put her finger to her lips.

"People are still sleeping, Jensi," she reminded him. He blushed. 

"Sorry," he whispered, "good morning." 

"Good morning to you too." She gave him a hug. Keefe walked out. This time he was fully dressed. A shirt and jeans. Not too much effort. She was beginning to think that was his style. 

"Hey, Foster. It's been so long since I last saw you!" Sophie raised an eyebrow.

"I saw you at lunch yesterday." 

"Like I said, so long!" She rolled her eyes. 

"Well, I'll go," Jensi said, a bit of sadness in his voice. "See you later Sophie!" He waved and walked out the door. 

"Now. Teach me your tricks Foster." Sophie laughed. She opened up her binder.

"Number one..." 


"Sophie! Table 4 is still waiting!" Sophie closed her eyes and tried not to groan. 

"Coming!" As she ran through the kitchen a foot stepped out to trip her. She squealed and fell face first onto the hard ground. 

"Oops. Didn't see you there," a voice said in a phony sweet tone. Sophie pushed herself up and winced in pain from where she hit her nose. She looked up to see a snarling Stina Heks. Stina hated Sophie for some reason. Luckily she wasn't in any of her classes at Foxfire, but she made a point to make work living hell. 

"Yeah. Bet you didn't," Sophie mumbled. Stina continued to glare at her with her arms crossed. 

"I saw you walking with Keefe Sencen. You two seem pretty close." 

"Sophie! Table 4!" Her boss yelled once again. Sophie smiled at the voice for once. Saved by the bell. Or saved by the boss. 

"I've gotta go. But catch you later Stina." She grabbed the food that was waiting and walked quickly to Table 4. She saw two familiar smiling faces looking up at her.

"Alden! Della!" She set the food down quickly and tackled the two in a hug. They both laughed.

"It's so good to see you Sophie," Della said. Sophie grinned. 

"You too. It's been a while." Alden nodded. 

"That is has." After a moment another voice joined in. 

"Man. She gets a longer hug than your own kids." Sophie turned to find a smiling Fitz. She rolled her eyes. 

"Where were you?" 

"Bathroom." She nodded slowly. Turning back to Alden and Della she clapped her hands. 

"Do you two want any dessert? Or..." 

"We're fine. Just wanted to catch up." Biana came waltzing up. 

"Told you we'd see you at dinner break," she said to Sophie. She pulled out a chair and sat beside her. 

"So, what's been going on in all of your lives?" Della asked. 

"Sophie's got herself a boyfriend," Biana blurted out. Sophie's eyes went wide. The only thing she could do was open and close her mouth like a fish while she tried to figure out how to get out of this conversation.

"You do?" Della asked, that big goofy grin all mom's get. Sophie shook her head. 

"I don't. Really." 

"She definitely does," Fitz whispered. Sophie glared at him which just made him chuckle. 

"Who is it?" Alden asked. 

"Keefe freaking Sencen," Biana said with a squeal. Sophie banged her head on the table. 

"The Sencens? I happen to know them personally," Alden said. "Cassius isn't much of a... how do I put this? People person. And if I remember correctly his mother is in jail." Biana's mouth dropped. Sophie looked up. 

"Really?" Fitz asked. Alden nodded. 

"Got in with the wrong group. When she tried to turn back it was too late." Fitz looked down. Sophie knew what he was thinking about. His older brother Alvar. Alvar had gotten with this horrible gang called the Neverseen and committed several crimes. He hadn't been caught by the police yet but they all knew he would be soon. They've kept it on the down low.

"And no one knows?" Sophie asked. Alden shook his head. 

"They don't need everyone knowing." She nodded along. Sophie didn't ask any more questions. 

"Anyways, what's this about a boyfriend," Della urged on. Sophie rolled her eyes. 

"He's my friend. I'm not interested in him at all." Biana raised an eyebrow. "At all." 

"Well he likes her," Biana said. 

"No he doesn't!" Sophie was beginning to be annoyed, and she was blushing like crazy at this point. Everyone was laughing now. She crossed her arms like a child. 

"Ok, ok. Leave her alone," Alden said. "Now, just tell us how you've been." 

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