Chapter 10

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~Lady Tsunade's POV~

"Stop sighing like a steam engine, it's sad."

Freezing I look up at the man standing in the doorway and let out a halfhearted chuckle, "I wasn't aware I was doing so."

Kakashi steps into the room, clicking the door shut with his foot before nodding towards the figure on the couch.

"Any improvements?"

I lean back in my chair and grimace, reaching up for rub my temples. Kakashi gives a slight nod, and pulls a chair up next to the unconscious boy.

"What are the odds he'll pull out of this, do you think?"

Looking at the poor young man, I sigh again.

"I can't be certain, for I can't seem to figure out what was used to cause this. I can only estimate a 10% chance he'd pull through, if he was human."

The white haired man hums, "So my hunch was right, he's not human."

"Yeah, I suppose I should have told you earlier, but he asked me not to tell anyone, for us humans are quite harsh to his kind."

"I understand. Nine-tailed fox, eh? Do you know what clan?"

I shake my head, as he turns to look at me.

"I haven't had the pleasure to see his other form, thought it's to my understanding that Sasuke has. Why do you ask?"

Contemplating, Kakashi turns his gaze on me before taking a step towards the door.

"I think we should figure out what clan, there's rumors that one of the four fox clans parted from the others and is attacking other villages."

My eyebrows pitch upwards, "What are you saying? I don't believe Naruto would harm anyone, much less attack a village. He saved Sasuke's life without reason to do so."

Kakashi turns back towards me, eyes searching mine for something, and they widen in surprise.

"Oh course he wouldn't, though it'd be worrisome if he's from said clan, they might be looking for him. That said, you really don't know?"

"Know what?"

His gaze flicks to Naruto for a split second before looking back at me.

"Nine-tailed foxes have set mates, deemed by their goddess, and I suspect his is Sasuke."

My eyes widen, and I gape at Naruto, "Wait what? Hold up, I get the whole mate situation, that makes sense, but isn't the whole mating partnership, typically between their own kind?"

With a slow nod, Kakashi runs his hand through his hair.

"Usually yes, but I've heard there's been few cases where their mates have been outside their kind. I'm not a fox, so I could be misinformed, there's just something about the way they act towards the other."

I think over all this new information, I stand up and start gathering some things. Quickly locking the windows, I turn to face Kakashi.

"Let's go."

"Is it okay to leave Naruto here?"

"He should be fine, I'll make this as quick as possible."

"...if you're sure."

~ ?!? POV~

"Insolent girl! Do you think this is a joke?"

The human's eyes widen and she slides to her knees.

"N-no! Of course not!"

A growl bubbles up my throat and my words come out in snarls.

"Cease these foolish games, human. If this 'Sasuke' is so important to you, then I'd suggest making haste in getting what I want before I take it all myself."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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