Dipper's POV

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I woke to Mable shaking me I groan "Bro, Bro were here were really back" She grabbed the collar of my shirt and drag me off the bus I shook my head trying to wake up more "come on don't just stand there silly" Mable Jumped and ran to the mystery shack's door 'damn I'm tired' I walk up to her the door opened My sister quickly hugged the red head she was frozen for a second then started laughing and huging her back "Oh my god your back where Little Dipper" She asked I stepped in almost falling to the ground by the huge hug Wendy pulled me in "heya Dip I guess your not so little Dipper anymore god just look at you" she messed with my hair and put something on top of my head she pulled away I took it off and smiled ear to ear "you kept this old thing" I put the hat back on "of course I need it while you were gone it got lonely with you two not around" She blushed and gave a big smile "Soos, Stan, Ford!!" Wendy yelled jumping up and down the side hugged me and Mable me on the right and Mable on the left "what is it We- Dipper Mable" Wendy let us go and push us into another hug that was with Grunkle Stan uncle Ford joined soon Soos did to they we're all messing with me and Mable and saying how much they missed us all that crap except Soos witch was crying from how happy he was "so how old are you guys now I forgot" Ford asked "we're 18 we we're gone for 5 years it was a long wait but hey we're back and hopefully staying right Bro Bro we're getting are own place of course if we can't stay here" Mable shyly said "yea" I happily said "really that's great we can use the helping hand and you guys can have your room back if you want, although you might want your own place you'll probably need rooms to your self and you need time yourselves" Grunkle Stan said giving a little wink over to me he laughed "I'm just joking boy but you do need to do what I said" he smiled I Smiled back "we'll stay here until we get are own but we can always help around here if we still aren't going to get paid around here then I'll just get a real job and help you guys sometimes" I huffed crossing my arms smiling like a doof "well I guess you can get a job here" he sighed I looked behind me Wendy Soos even Ford had begging eyes "Yay!" They all pulled us into a hug again "can't breathe" I yelled I found away out of the hug "Jeez you guys really did miss us "I laughed "do you guys want breakfast" Ford asked "Nah I'm going to go look around a bit" I pointed towards the door they all nodded then I ran out the door I took a walk towards the town first I saw some new shops around "oh my god Dipper is that you" A girl ran up to me and pulled me into a hug "damn I haven't seen you in so long I missed you everyone did" I the girl pull back I knew it was Pacifica her hair was up in a ponytail and she was wearing a nice blue hoodie with purple leggings "ha yea well how are you doing" I put my hands on my pockets "good I actually have a job at the Greasy's Diner im a waiter there" she pulled out a little name tag pin from her bag "that's great I'm actually going to work at the Mystery shack I'm get paid there finally for working and me and Mable are moving here im getting my own place so is she when we have enough money to move out" I smiled at the thought working with my family and friends and get to have my own place to go to after "that's wonderful no more moving for you Dippy" she poked my nose and I went cross eyed you a second "well I need to get going I need to get home and feed Sofie she is my dog bye Dipper" She patted my shoulder and waved bye I waved back I kept walking till the the town ended and the beach was there 'wow they really cleaned this up' I smiled I walked back to a bit till the woods that Me and Mable went through all the time I walked in I spined and looked up 'its nice to be back' I thought taking in the scent of all of the trees around "is that really you" A whisper came I ignored it I sat on the bench at was near "I wonder how much I really missed this place probably a lot" I sighed I pulled my legs to my chest I folded my arms on top of my knees I sat there and listened to every sound coming from the forest I layed my head on my arms 'I been thinking about this place so much I wonder how many people missed me' I laughed to myself I pulled my vest up closer to me it was still cold from the morning air "its cold here uh" I herd more whispers I sighed I wanted to answer back but to scared to "no need to answer I all ready know just thought I could talk to someone" The whisper got a little louder was this thing reading my mind or something "sorta" well shit Im in the woods and something is reading my mind "can you come out" I asked slowly putting my legs down "not really you'll just be scared" the voice wasn't talking in a whisper now I could hear the voice a little not more "I have seen to many things to be scared of one thing unless your trying to kill me" I laughed the voice did a soft giggle "I don't know give me a reason why I should show myself" I could hear them getting closer "I wanna who and what you are you seem friendly" I rolled my eyes "really wow I seem friendly thats funny" I could see a figure I could see a little pink I guess thats where its face is it looks a lot like a human "Aww come on Im sure your friendly when someone get to know you" I saw the figure pink get more and a deeper shade of pink "well you kinda all ready know me p- Dipper" the figure stepped closer "I know you... Well then why can't I know who you are" I smiled "c-cause you'll just t-try I mean you'll just run" the voice trembled "I promise I won't run if you should your self" I Stood up "fine deal Pine tree" I froze The figure stepped out with its hands out "Bill?" I questioned "yea?" He asked "how are you human why are you" I frowned my eyebrows and crossed my arms "well after you guys tried to kill me let's just say I can't get my old form back" He shrugged his shoulders he had a little hat floating above his head a yellow vest with his eye symbol on the side he had a black shirt with black gloves and jeans he was a little darker then me he had blonde hair that faded at the bottom to a brown "what do you want Bill there has to be a reason your talking to me" I sighed letting my arms fall to my side "I don't have a reason Its just I thought you were never coming back after well what happened you look different its nice" He smirked this made me have shivers down my spine "S-shut up" I looked down at my face it was a light dust of pink "cute" I looked up to find Bill staring at me "what?" I asked "nothing can we just talk for a bit Pine tree" he walked towards me I walked backwards till I hit the bench and fell down sitting on it "whatever" I huffed he smiled and sat next to me "why did you choose to come back now" He asked I looked over he was looking away and bouncing his leg up and down it made irritated it was to much moving "cause I missed it and Im planning to live here" I said I stared at his leg it was making me stress "can I ask you something" I took off my hat and ran my fingers through my hair then put it back on "sure" he looked over to me then looked back at what he was looking at "can you stop bouncing your leg" he tensed then slowly stopped "thank you" did I just say thank you to Bill I saw he was fidgeting really bad "are you ok' I asked staring at him I didn't want to ask but I did "uh yeah just a little hyper I guess" I could tell he was lying but I let it slide "so your staying here" Bill asked "yea Im going like it a lot down here I can't really imagine anywhere else I would want to live" I smiled and gazed out into the woods "mMm" I looked back Bill wouldn't stop moving "Are you sure you're ok" I questioned him again "uh..uh...what oh yea i-im fine" he bit his lip really hard it probably wasn't good his teeth almost looked like dog teeth but sorta human like too. his lip was bleeding something is wrong with him he started to breathe heavy I reached out to his shoulder till he quickly pulled away "I need to go can we talk some other time like I don't know tonight" He asked as he quickly stood up "sure" why did I say that what the hell he waved and rushed into the woods My stomach started to hurt bad I walked back to the mystery shack "hey bro bro you hungry?" I nodded to my sister's question

I thought my stomach was just acting up cause I didn't eat but It was still hurting "Mable I'll be up in the room ok" I got up and ran up stairs I went in to the bedroom laying on the bed I held my stomach I started getting Small heat flashes 'dammit am I sick' I felt my forehead but I could barley feel I felt numb "Bro can I come in" Mable knocked "yea" she came in sitting on her bed "your acting weird are you ok" she smiled softly "I don't know" I shrugged my shoulders She got up and felt my forehead "Jeez Dip I think you have the flu or something your head is burning hot" she fell backwards looking up at me "I'll go get Stan" Mable ran ouy before I could even stop her I fell back on to my bed I knew I'm sick "what is it kid" Stan said being pulled into the room "Its Dipper I think he has the Flu or something he is burning up" Mable jumped up and down like a little kid pointing at me Stan walked over to me and felt my head quickly pulling away just like Mable did but he felt my arms too still pulled away quickly though "Uh I know what this is but I'll have to have Ford explain it and he said he would be gone for a week" Stan rubbed the back of his neck I rolled over to my sides "am I sick of not" I asked "No" he simply said "come on Mable let's leave your brother alone for awhile" Stan pulled on her arm leaving me in the room alone.

First chapter I would of wrote more but I need to stop myself so I have a next chapter if I want to I could of wrote 4000 word or more like i normally do hehe

Word count: 2045

Bill x Dipper: HeatWhere stories live. Discover now