Dipper's POV

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I woke up my stomach felt like it was kicked my eyes burn along with the rest of my body. It was night I didn't want to move but I wanted to know what was up with Bill he asked for me to come at night I sighed as I slowly got up.

I walked outside it was hard I was sliding against the wall most of the time I slowly walked holding my stomach I was burning up when I got close to the bench I seen Bill's figure appear more I was starting to regret this. I sat next To Bill he had his head in his hands. "Bill?" I slowly started to put my hand on him and shake him "give me a minute I'm trying to get my thoughts together" his voice startled me but when I touch his it felt nice I wasn't burning up for second. "Pine tree?" He straightened up "yea?" His eyes where glowing "do you k- are you. Having any problems" he asked "sorta. Yea" I rubbed my arm "can you tell me what problems" he put his hand on my shoulder I closed my eyes and bit my lip a bit so I wouldn't just moan it was nice to bad it was only in that spot "Pine Tree?" I opened my eyes and bit my lip more his voice was just making want to hear it more I shook my head "sorry what" I asked "never mind I all ready know what's going from that small scene" he laughed he took his hand back I quietly whimpered 'god what is wrong with me' "Heat" Bill said "are you reading my thoughts and what do you mean heat" I looked the other way embarrassed 'how much of my mind did he read' I sighed "did you learn in this school thing what heat was" Bill asked I nodded a yes "ok well you going through it" He chuckled I blushed at how I didn't know what I was in "its ok Pine Tree don't be embarrassed but I could of told you sooner" I turned to him "uh I kinda already knew from your scent that's why I was acting weird it was strong but it even stronger now you have no idea how much I'm holding back." I thought for a second about what he said then realized I turn so red I could see so clear. "Never say that again" I pleaded "its just the truth but I do have a question w-when you feel my touch d-does your skin cool down" he nervously said "yea why" I asked "no reason not that you need to know" he laughed and started bouncing his leg
"Bill!" I huffed "look I'll tell you another time not now its not the time" he said quietly but loud enough I could hear I breathed heavy the heat was starting to hurt a lot more now I started scratching my arm because I was feeling so uncomfortable I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist I didn't think that it was Bill all I thought about was how the pain was going away I let out a whine I didn't even care "Pine Tree you ok" He asked I nodded he put his head on my inner shoulder I slowly leaned against him I was starting to fall asleep I closed my eyes but didn't fall asleep "so you want me to take you to the mystery shack or somewhere else" He asked I opened my eyes a bit "I don't want the others to see you who know what they would do" I closed my eyes again he chuckled "wow you care uh weird I thought if anyone was to do something to me I thought it would be you" he pulled me a bit closer "shut up" I said he picked me up I was scared but I pasted out. to tired to even care

I woke to a fluffy blanket around me I was dizzy I couldn't really tell what I was on but by the looks of it, it's bill's house I always use to hope to find his house and burn it because of what he did to us but I think I changed my mind I don't want to do that anymore "hey are you awake" Bill popped his head in from what seemed to be a door I groaned in respond I saw him walk in with a tray he sent it on a table top by the bed "here I hope you like it" he smiled patted my leg and walked out I slowly sat up bumping my head in the process I whimpered rubbing the back of my head then pulled the stray up to me It looked like soup but it was cold fucking cold I sent it aside I got up and went to go explore the weird house. "Bill?" My voice came out raspy and quite I cleared my throat "Bill?!" my voice a little loud but it hurt it echoed the long hallway I was in "Dipper do you need something" Bill appear in front on me making me jump and fall he chuckled and held out his hand I rejected his offer and stood on my own "can you just show me here the bathroom is" I asked he rolled his eyes and nodded he started walking I followed we went to the end on the hallway he opened a door and turned on the light for me "Thanks" I mumbled he disappeared so I went in it was nice bathroom a yellow fluffy carpet a bath that was quiet big and it was able to turn into a shower two sinks connected with about four capnets at the bottom

A thing went off making mean jump then I noticed it was just a clock saying that it was 4:00 at the bottom it said Pm I sighed 'what is it with things scary me lately' I walked out forgetting what exact room I was in I cursed under my breathe I walked out of the long hallway into what I assumed to be a living room I walked down the stairs I saw Bill writing something and a TV that was on "Bill?" I asked "what?!" He quickly shut his book and turned around  "oh umm you can come sit if you want" he suggested I nodded and walked over to him sitting by him he moved his legs closer to his chest since they were spread out on the couch he opened his book to a certain page went to write in it but stopped and looked up at me "you know what, do what to do anything" he asked shut his book and putting it on the table "umm I don't know what can we do" I tilted my head a little "anything you want" he Yipped "oh uh what about.... I have no Ideas" I sighed crossing my arms

A ringing was herd I noticed it was my ringtone quick and pulled out my phone to see the contact It was Mable I smiled gently I got up and went into the bathroom to talk to her

"Hello" I hummed "Dipper where are you when I woke up you weren't there" her voice cracked "uh Im just out spending a night with a friend that's all don't sorry" I chuckled "A friend?" She asked quietly "yeah" I answered "fine but tell me when your back when you know.. OK bye bye Dip" she hung up before I could even say bye back I stuffed my phone in my pocket and went back down stairs but surprisingly Bill wasn't there

"HEYA PINE TREE",I screamed I covered my mouth and I turned around to see bill sitting on the stairs laughing "that was not funny" I whimpered "your right it wasn't it was priceless tho" he smirked and laughed "Rude" I mumbled "what was that pine tree" he had a big smile on his face I couldn't help but smile a little back "nothing" I rolled my eyes "you sure" he leaned now close to my face I gulped "y-yea" I sttudered "ok" he leaned back "what was that for anyw- Acho" I sneezed during my sentence and it was still high piched sneeze that sounded like a kitten (ok to be honest I have the same sneeze so I can relate to him a bit people always saying its cute and everything someone even said it sound like a newborn kitten anyway THE MORE YOU KNOW ABOUT THE AUTHOR)  "You still have that adorable sneeze on my god" bill said I glared at him "IT'S NOT ADORABLE ITS A DAM SNEEZE" I shouted "jezz I didn't you were sinsitive about your sneeze" he laughed "shut I'm tired of people calling it cute its not cute" I mumbled "maybe but you are" bill said I stared at for a second I didn't understand what he said I thought about it got 'shit...hell no' my face was hot "I. AM.NOT CUTE DAMMIT" I huffed and looked away "come on you can't say that Just look at you your adorable" He got and grabbed my face with his thumb and index finger My face was even hotter at this point 'I hate freaking blushing' "I'm not adorable Bill now drop it" I said taking my face away from him I sat on the couch I grabbed on of the pillows and hugged it putting my face into "well how do you think you look?" He asked 'like shit' "I don't know but I'm not adorable" I sniffled I jumped on almost falling off the couch "Dipper pines you are the most beautiful person don't ever say you look like shit Im not having that" Bill said hugging me 'what the . . . . . . . . . . ooooohhhh he can read minds' I came to realization "STOP READING MY MIND" I screamed in his ear "would shut up Im allowed to do what I want" bill sighed and started rubbing my back I got shivers up and down my spine he leaned and his for head touching mine. are noses were touching 'Too close' I gulped I herd a laugh "how about I make it closer" Bill said I screamed "GET OFF GET OFF GET OFF!!" I struggled against him until I fell onto the floor "I'm just joking Pine Tree" he laughed I breathed heavily "that is not ok" I pushed myself up and looked at him 'what the actual fuck Bill. what is he doing making a weird Joke like that' I thought and it kept running in my head "Dipper calm down let just find something to do" he said I whimpered "k" I mustered out "Good now get your ass back on the couch" he smiled I laughed a little.

(IMPORTANT: Second chapter what do think so far! Give me your ideas for them because I have no idea yet and these up dates are going to be slow because school, going out of state, and I'm working on 11 storys and some aren't on my wattpad because it's a friends story I'm helping him with it and he has wattpad but doesn't write on it sorry that this chapter is shorter then the other tust me I"ll make longer ones also I said somethings that are in the description lel but I know some people don't read that shit I don't and some people won't read this I wouldn't but you better do you know MORE ABOUT THE ANOTHER and why it takes so long for another chapter :IMPORTANT)

Word count: 1959

Bill x Dipper: HeatWhere stories live. Discover now