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"this is Morsal he is sorta like my pet i forgot he was coming back today" I laughed "WHY DID IT TRY TO EAT ME" he huffed getting to his feet "uh yea he will do that when he doesn't know you", I looked down a little noticing how lose the towel was on him and the slight bit of blood on his hip,my eyes traveled back up to his face to his now darker brown hair from the water and it being a mess with it dripping onto his shoulders, his face red from I'm guessing anger, struggle, fright and now that im in here, "um morsal is um a good pet he just is very, protective I guess” I rub the back of my neck looking at morsal and dipper, morsal tilting his head a bit, "oh well can I get dressed at least with out get attacked?" He asked I looked at his lips then his neck I hummed an ok but I didn't really move while morsal walk out of the bathroom "um, can you get out too?" I snapped back out of staring and nodded and walked out but not with out giving him one last glance. I would lying if I wasn't drooling a bit just to touch him and have him on me.


Once dipper came down stairs in the clothes I gave him, I put on a movie, he was laying down trying not to touch me. Which was cute in a way, but sorta got on my nerve.

I was no way interested or at least I didn't try to be. I'm more interested in my book and pine tree.

Pine tree was laying on his folded arms looking at the Tv with strand hairs falling in his face. Blocking my view and I didn't know how much it was bothering me until I was reaching out and pushing them back.

He looks up at me with a confused look. I had to think of something. "you had a piece of fuzzy in your hair." I took my hand away to place it on my pants leg.

"Oh ok" he smiled gently and turned back to the tv. Having the hairs fall right back down.

I was way to fidgety to just sit there and look at him so, I tried reading again, but I kept reading the same line over and over again forgetting what was going on on the words I was reading.

I tried to watch the movie. I was to far behind I had no idea what was happening and just left me confused.

I tried moving a different way, I could not sit still. So I just got up and told dipper I was getting water.

I got the glass and went to the fridge pushing the glass against the button until it was filled.

I pressed the glass to my lips and basically drunk the whole glass at that moment.

It left to my stomach hurting a little. Stupid human things. I walked back out to dipper and sat back where I was before.

"Didn't you say you were getting water?" He asked. "Yeah, I changed my mind" I looked at his eyes looking at mine "ok" he moved and barely touching my leg.

Am I feeley or does he feel it too?
Why doesn't he move his hand if he feels it?.... I legit can read his mind yet I'm questioning.

Should I move my hand, I don't want too. Does he feel it? He shouldn't right? Its too light to feel. If I move it he will notice it, I don't have any Excuse for that!

I don't want him to move it,but at the same time its setting every nerve in me.

I picked up my book again continue reading only to get past 6 lines.

I felt my brain get fuzzy and my breath get heavy. It felt like every breath I took my nose burned with the air around it.

I felt Dipper's hand gently move up so he could rest his head on his hand. The more I looked at him the more I felt his heat tugging at my body and the more I wanted to sink my teeth into his soft warm neck.

I had to get away before something one of us regreted. I moved him away gently with the slightest whimper from him. "Im going to bed" I told him. "But its still early" he looked at me concerned.

I stared into the pools of his eyes without an answer greeting my lips. I turned off my brain so no emotion could come through "Im tired there is food in the kitchen and you know where the bathroom is don't bother me." It sounded harsher then I intended it to be but I needed to get out of there. I went upstairs to my bedroom and laid down, and sighed at the wonderful fresh air.

A/N - Hello it's been awhile I randomly got in the mood to write this cringe again, lol. This maybe the last you hear from this story or not. So please take this not as a Im back take this as a memory. Momento mori : )

Also I only got in the mood to write this chapter because of La61726 And most of this was a draft  and I just added to it.....
: |

Bill x Dipper: HeatWhere stories live. Discover now