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It's the worst, it's the worst day of my life
I'll admit it's a struggle
Finding light in the tunnel
This is the worst day of my life
It's the worst, it's the worst day
Of my life
~Alec Benjamin
Worst Day Of My Life

Bakugou's POV

I sat in class like usual, ready to report Deku as absent but fuckin' Half 'n' half came in with the nerd and said that he found him throwing up in the bathroom. I never thought I would see that ass sticking up and covering for Deku.

Speaking of Deku, the bastard was glancing at me and half hiding behind his little boyfriend.

"Do they have a thing going on?" Kirishima whispered.

"Yeah, probably!" I scoffed.

"Will you be returning in to class?" Aizawa asked Todoroki.

"Maybe. If his mother isn't home I should make sure he's okay. It was really bad, sir," Todoroki said.

"Alright fine. I'll call Mrs. Midoriya and let her know. Off you go."

As they left I saw Half 'n' half put his arm around Deku. What. The. Fuck.
Did they really have something going on?

I'm not jealous. I couldn't care less about the two basta-

"Hey, Katsuki? Are you ok? You seem really... stressed," Kirishima asked worriedly.

"Yea I'm fine, shitty hair," I answered. But I couldn't help feeling... thankful for him. No one had ever cared for me as much as he did.

He smiled weakly at me.

"Come on, Bakugou. Were going for training!" Denki called.

Oh shit. The rest of the class had left!

Deku's POV

I curled up in bed after Todoroki left, the pain engulfing my body.

Why? Why did all this happen to me?

I just wanted to disappear. Not have to... do anything anymore.

But what about Todoroki?
He was so nice to me recently, defending me and helping me and stuff. The only person to actually care apart from my mum.

"Izuku? I'm home, honey. Are you in your room?"


Mum bustled in, still in her work clothes.

"I heard what happened. Are you sick?"

She felt my forehead which was warm from huddling under the blanket.

"Oh you are! Poor baby," she clutched me as I began to sob. How could I pull of a lie like that? I couldn't tell her that Kacchan had... she would tell his mum! But...

I started t cry a little and Mum stroked my hair.

"It's okay, honey," she said," just lie in bed and sleep for a while. If your still sick, I'll take you to the doctor's. Ok?"

I nodded miserably. I hated that doc. So nosy, poking around in our business.

"Do you need anything?" Mum asked as she covered me with the blanket.

"No thank you," I answered.

"Alright. Go to sleep now. Ok?"

I didn't answer as she walked out, turning off my lights.

I'm actually feeling kind of queasy now. Maybe I am actually sick.

Inko's POV

Poor Izuku. I tucked him in bed and left. I really hope he's-


The sickening sound of vomiting echoed throughout the house.

I rushed back to his room to find him covered in his own sick. And blood.


I lead him by the shoulders to the bathroom and told him to stand by the sink if he was going to throw up again.

I returned to his room and took card if the mess.

Izuku was shivering in the bathroom when I returned.
He had already showered and gotten redressed.

He leaned limply against me as I hugged him.

"My poor little boy," I said.

"This is the worst day ever!"He sobbed. I wonder what else could have happened.

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