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Je t'aime, je t'aime toujour
I am forever yours
Sweet dreams, sweet dreams mon cher
~ Kelly Sweet
Je T'aime Toujour

(The song for this chapter us the one above )

Deku's POV

Todoroki's father called him. Shit shit shit shit shit.

I watched anxiously as he answered, turning away from me.

B-but- ... but I did what you wanted! No, please, please please! Don't!
I'm begging you please don't do this! I'll learn to control it! I swear!
... please... Wait what? You're- Okay. I... I'll see you then."

"Shoto? What..."

Large tears were streaming down his cheeks. He stumbled towards the bed and dropped weakly onto it.
He curled up on the bed, his head resting in my lap.

He looked so vulnerable. So weak and helpless. I couldn't stand to see him like that.

"Shoto... what did he say?"

I didn't know what his father had said, but I found a tear trickling down my cheek.


He was sobbing too violently to answer.

I placed a hand on his head and rubbed small circles into his back with the other to comfort him.

He gripped the sheets tightly and continued sobbing loudly into my lap.
I was sure he could be heard from across the hallway.

I was right.

"Hey! Half 'n' half! Shut the fuck up! I'm trying to sleep!"

"Go away, Kacchan!" I replied as Shoto just tried to muffle his cries.

"D-Deku? What the hell are you doing in there?"

"N-none of y- just go away!"

"Don't fucking take that tone with me you little bitch!"

The door was flung open and Kacchan himself came charging into the room.


He froze when he saw Shoto.

"What... what. The. Hell?" He mumbled.

"Don't, Kacchan," I said quietly.

I thought he was going to leave but he just sat near the bed and watched us.

I ignored him and slowly rocked Shoto.

"Shh... it's okay... it's okay, Shoto..." I whispered.

He snifled and wiped his eyes... but he couldn't stop sobbing.

Suddenly, I had an idea. My mum used to sing a special song for me when I was upset. Maybe...

"Je t'aime, je t'aime toujour
I am forever yours
Sweet dreams, sweet dreams mon cher
You're always in my prayer
Softly, sweetly
Wrapped up in heaven's arms
Sailing, soaring over the moon
Gathering star dust
Be still, be safe, be sure
Je t'aime, je t'aime toujour
Wishing, praying
All of your dreams come true
Please remember
Where'er you are my heart is with you
Sweet dreams, sweet dreams mon cher
Always in my prayer
I am forever yours
Je t'aime, je t'aime toujour..."

Tearfully, I sang the lullaby softly to him.

By the end, I realised that it actually seemed to calm him down.

He shakily sat up.

"Th-thank you, Midoriya..." he mumbled.

"B-Bakugou!" He exclaimed when he saw him. He had sat through the whole thing.

"I... I didn't know you could sing like that, Deku," he said softly.

"Yes. It really was beautiful..."

I felt my wet cheeks flush red.


"So... what the hell happened to have the ice cold Half 'n' half in tears?" Kacchan asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing, Shoto..."

He looked up at us like a deer in headlights. He looked so frightened and worried.

He glanced at Kacchan.

"I'm not leaving 'til you tell me," he said," I know I'm an asshole ( I don't care but, whatever) but I'm not going to tell anyone what you say."

I was actually surprised. Was Kacchan serious?

Shoto shook his head.

"No. You're only saying that now. You'll end up using it against me in the end," he sniffed.

Kacchan shrugged.

"Bakugou! C'mon! You're taking forever!"

I bit back a smile as Kacchan blushed and quickly left the room. Was that... Kirishima?

"So... are you going to tell me?" I asked Shoto softly.

He looked up at me, his eyes red and puffy.

"My father said... he said that he will still take away my quirk..."

"Why? You did what he asked you to do!"

"He said that I used both of my quirks to hurt someone... he said I was a failure and would probably end up as a villan at this rate. And that I'm lucky he's not taking away both..."

"That's so unfair!" I felt rage bubble within me.

"I... I begged him not to. I told him that I'd learn to control both of them. I promised! And... and he... and he said that he'd come to the UA to test me in one month. If I hadn't learnt to control it by then... he'll take away both of my quirks."

Shoto had started sobbing again by this point, but not as badly as before.

I bagan rocking his and humming the tune again until he stopped.

"It'll be okay. You're strong. I know you'll be able to train properly by then!" I smiled at him.

"But I... I don't think I can."

"Only if you tell yourself that! I know that you can do it. And I'll be right beside you."


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