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I'm having trouble trying to sleep
I'm counting sheep but running out
As time ticks by
And still I try
No rest for crosstops in my mind
~Green Day

(Yes I have an obsession for Green Day
Don't judge meh!)

Deku's POV

I have no idea why I said all that to him. But I did. And now he knows.

I felt him wiping tears off my cheeks and gently kiss my nose as I curled up beside him.

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to slip into a deep sleep that never came.
I felt something slightly lean against my head. His head.
He was sleeping.

I stayed still and sated at the open window, the light curtains flapping in the wind, revealing the setting sun..

Before I knew it, Todoroki was wrapping his arms around me and it was pitch black outside. Had I actually slept?

So useless you can't even tell I'd you're sleeping. That's how little your reality and existence matters.

"...go away..." I mumbled.

"Oh! I'm s-sorry, Midoriya. I... I didn't mean to..." Shoto's voice sounde terribly  hurt and sad as he quickly removed his arms.

"No! I... that wasn't what I meant. I was... talking in my sleep!"

"...Oh? Okay then..." he sounded confused and uncertain.

He still didn't put his arms around me again.

I lay on my back miserably.

So stupid! Hurting his feeling. At least his actually matters. He didn't deserve your hurt. You do.

"No. I don't! I didn't mean to hurt him," I whispered.

"Are you taking to yourself?" Shoto asked softly.

"Uh... Yeah."

"Well... you didn't actually hurt me, if that's what you meant. I just thought that you meant it was hurting your leg," he whispered. He was lying.

"Oh. No. I... liked it actually. It felt nice," I smiled in the darkness.

"R-really?" He chuckled slightly. He barely ever laughed.

"Yep! Um... what time is it?"

He pulled out his phone and checked it, squinting in the sudden light.

"12:04. Why? Are you hungry?"

"A little. I was just wondering."

"Oh okay. I don't think I can go back to sleep though."

"Me neither."

I stared at the ceiling. What could we-  ah. I have an idea.

"Uh... Sh-Shoto? You still awake?"

"Yes. What is it?"

"Do you want to go up to the roof? If you can't sleep that is."

"Yeah okay. But... what about you? With your cast I mean."

"I... I think I can walk on it..."

Nervously I placed my foot on the floor and placed a little weight on it. It didn't hurt at all.
It did hurt when i put my full weight though so I went with one crutch, Shoto close by in case I stumbled.

We finally got to the roof and sat down, staring up at the sky.

Bakugou's POV

I couldn't fucking go to sleep. At all.

I lay in bed until about 12:00 a.m.

"Hey... Shitty hair?"

"...mm... Yeah?"

"I'm going up to the roof. Can't sleep."

"Okay... do you want me to..."

"No! Just go the fuck back to sleep!"

He turned and nuzzled back into the pillows. I felt a small smile that I automatically pushed back. A fucking SMILE? What was wrong with me.

I got up and trudged up to the roof as quietly as possible.

"Does your head still hurt?"

Deku? What the ass was he doing up here. Alone?
It's about time I gave that little shit a piece of my-

"A little. But you don't have to worry about me. I'm fine."

Shit. Half'n'half.

I crept onto the roof and stayed low to listen in on their conversation.

"Okay... are you still going to listen to what your father told you to do?"

"I... I don't really have a choice," his tone lowered.

"True. Would you like to do extra training?"

"With you? But you can't..."

"I'll be out of the cast soon. In the meantime I can help you find someone else!"

"...thank you, Midoriya."

I looked up to see them... cuddling!? What. The. Actual. Fuck?

"And you?"

"What do you m-mean?" Deku stuttered pathetically.

"Well you- what was that?"

Shit shit shit shit! I had pushed over something.

Half'n'half got up and walked over to my hiding spot.

"... Bakugou?"


"What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you two lovers the same thing. Come out here to fuck?" I snapped. I shut up soon after. I could hear a tint of jealously creep into my voice. Shit.

"Uh- n-"

"How could you suggest such a thing Kacchan!?"

The nerd himself had hobbled pitifully up to us.

"You never learn... do you?!"

I reached out and grabbed his crutch, pulling as hard as I could.


The bastard fell with a thump to the floor.
He deserved that.

"BAKUGOU!" Half'n'half exclaimed, kneeling beside the lump on the floor that was Deku.

"Yes, half'n'half?" I mocked innocently.

"You shouldn't have done that..." the little asshole was completely calm as usual.

I stared down at them, the only sound being Deku's whimpers and the chirp of crickets.

"And? Whatcha gonna do about it, you bastard?" I taunted.

To my surprise he got up angrily, glaring at me.

I raised my hands, which were crackling with explosions.

Deku shakily got up.

"Guys. Please stop..." he pleaded.

"He hurt you, Midoriya. I'm not going to-"

I grabbed him and pushed him into an open tank of water I had spotted, laughing.

But it was a bit deeper than I expected.

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