Chapter 2

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"Savannah hurry up girl omigod!"
I quickly threw my hair in a messy bun and ran downstairs, grabbing my bag off the bench.
"Coming!" I yelled, locking the door of the house and sprinting down the driveway to my best friend, Jay.
Thrusting open the door of the car I was greeted with the sound of Rhianna being blasted through the speaker.
"Ohmigod bitch if you don't learn to hurry the fuck up of a morning, I'm going to leave your sorry ass" he sassed, sliding on his pink sunglasses and driving off.
"Five minutes! Five goddamn minutes Jay! It's not even that long!" I whined.
"Whatever" he sighed, brushing his hair out of his eyes.
"I swear to god if there are no juicy gay boys this year I'm going to Kermit scooter-ankle" he whined.
At the sound of the last three words I began to choke on my pineapple juice and cough exasperatley.
"JAY NO!" I screamed at his choice of words  fanning my face which was now red and covered in juice.
"You're so dramatic" Jay rolled his eyes.

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