Chapter 5

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Nothing could've prepared us for what happened next.
Joey shoved the boy, yet he didn't stumble. Before we knew it he'd brought his arm back and delivered a punch right to Joeys face, causing his nose to bleed.
"Fuck" Joey groaned, covering his bloody Jace with his hands.
The stranger just stood there, looking down at Joey who was now rolling on the floor, crying.
Calmly, he picked up his helmet and walked towards the main office, ignoring the stares and murders around him.
It was at that moment I realised, I loved him.
"Alright you know the drill"
Miss Mouver (pronounced Mou-ver) addressed the class, sitting sideways on her chair and resting her legs on the desk. I took my seat at the usual desk, in the far corner of the room right next to the window before opening my book.
"This next assessment will be on any book you'd like, just read it, choose a character and explain why they did the stuff they did" she yawned, grasping her CAUTION IM HOT coffee cup.
Slipping in my Airpods I played some music as I jotted down different ideas for books I could use.
I filled the whole page with different ideas and character names when I felt eyes on me. Looking up I saw the whole class was staring in my direction, and beside me...the leather clad bad boy.

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