Chapter 4

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Suddenly a sharp whistle pierced through the air, and none other than Joey Smith walked through the circle of entranced teens, striding towards the student.
"What a beauty" Joey chuckled, stepping closer to the bike.
"How much for it?" he smirked.
Knowing damn well he had no use for it. The stranger reached for the helmet, pulling it off his head revealing long soft dark locks. His eyes narrowed at Joey.
"Not for sale." His deep voice sent shivers through my body.
  Other girls began to giggle as they took in his appearance. He was strikingly handsome. His hair came to his shoulders, complimenting his dark eyes and tan complexion, even from a distance I could tell his jawline was very well defined.
  "Oh he's a pretty boy" Joey barked, pointing at the strangers hair.
  The stranger just put his hands in the pocket of his a leather jacket standing tall and yet I'm bothered by Joey.
  "Come on I'll pay good money," Joey began to throw his leg over the bike when the stranger grabbed him by his jersey and pushed him away from the motorcycle. Causing Joey to stumble. "I said no" he growled.

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