Chapter 3

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The school was buzzing with people by the time Jay managed to figure out how to stop the car.
"You have an automatic licence why the hell did you buy a manual!" I huffed, Jay just groaned before locking his car.
"Because it's sexy."
I looked back at Jays car, it really was... Perfect for him. It was tiny...and I mean tiny, and hot pink. Decorated with a "move I'm gay" sticker at the back and baby pink fluffy rear view mirror covers, classic Jay.
Walking through the carpark I notice that the school had changed since last term. The buildings dark green paint had been replaced by a light grey and bushes and flowers had been planted everywhere.
Yay, allergies.
We were about halfway through the car park when the deep rumbling of a motorbike made me whip my head behind me watching the Harley and its rider driving as if in slow motion. Like the Red Sea, the bustle of students parted for the helmet clad man, girls eyebrows and smirks lifting- guys scowls deepening as they pulled their girlfriends closer. They couldn't hide their longing glances towards the roaring engine though.
I hadn't noticed I stopped walking until Jay ran into me, spinning me around.
"Bitch! Look at that fine ass!"
People around us turned to stare quizzically before turning their attention back to what indeed was a fine ass.

Sorry I've been gone so long, grade 8 is rly stressful, it'll get better tho...:(

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