Chapter 1

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Octavians pov:

Octavian jogged faster along the forest path, pushing his body to the limit. These morning jogging trips had become a routine and he loved watching the sunrise. In the forest in the early dawn was the only place he felt he belonged, like he could be who he was.
Out here, with only the birds for company, nobody pushed him around or called him names. Out here nobody teased him for not having a girlfriend or for being the augur.
He rounded a bend in the path and the city came into view. He sprinted, feeling the wind whip his straw colored hair.

As he came to his house he stopped, panting, and felt the purple camp T-shirt stick to his sweaty back. Jogging, he had found, kept him in good shape even though he wasn't trained to fight like the others.
For the first time in his life he was happy about his body; his six pack, muscled arms and legs and grey blue eyes where a stunning combination. Since the war with Gaia, three years ago, he had grown a lot and was now considered tall.
Octavian grabbed a towel from the washing machine and strode into the big bathroom.
He undressed and took a long and warm shower. He grabbed a pair of washed out jeans shorts and a camp shirt.
After getting dressed Octavian went into the kitchen he shared with no-one. Unlike most campers Octavian lived alone, no one else wanted to live close to him.
He pulled out a pre-made sandwich and a chocolate bar and swung his long legs over a chair.

After only one bite of the delicious sandwich he noticed something on the tabletop, a hastily scribbled note:

I hope for your sake you haven't forgotten the peace meeting with the other camp ambassador today at 10:00 am sharp?!
PS: if you had forgotten, take this as a reminder...

Octavian had forgot.
He jumped up and ran into his bedroom to grab his toga, then sprinted out the door, towards the auditorium.
When he got there he was panting, hard, and his toga was haphazardly pulled on.
Reyna frowned, "You are just on time augur, barely." He was still breathing hard, and only nodded.
"This" Reyna said, addressing someone behind her "Is our augur, you have similar professions and should get along. And this" Reyna said, now addressing him "Is the Greek camp peace ambassador, Rachel Elizabeth Dare"
Rachel Elizabeth Dare stepped out of the shadows and Octavian lost his breath, as though someone had punched him. The girl, Rachel,had hair the colour of autumn leaves that cascaded down her back. She was wearing a green dress that suited her perfectly, not to formal, not to casual. She was wearing colorful jewelry that emphasized her paint speckled hands.


Octavian, the augur, was probably the most handsome man she had ever seen. With golden hair and blue grey eyes and a perfect body, he was, well Perfect!
No! she told herself, she was not falling in love again, it had ended horribly last time, with Percy. She pushed the thoughts from her mind as Reyna spoke again "I need to get going, but you two should get to know each other better, bye!" She waved and walked away.
An awkward silence insured, both throwing looks at each other from under their eyelashes.
"Why is she so dam beautiful?!" She heard Octavian murmur and looked up, startled. "What did you say?" Octavian looked up, and realizing he had spoken aloud blushed so deeply he looked as vivid as Rachel's hair. Rachel, seeing his blush and slight grin, looked down and blushed just as deeply.

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