Chapter 5

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Rachel's POV:

Rachel awoke with a start, sitting up, pulling the sheet down with a jerk.

She heard a mumbled name. "Rachel," She turned her head and saw, Octavian, looking like a sleeping angel. Lying beside her on the pillow.

She carefully stood up, noticing as she did that she was still wearing the green dress from the day before.

She tiptoed into the adjoining bathroom and found a hairbrush, probably Octavians, lying on the sink. She brushed her long hair and with deft fingers pulled her hair up in a messy bun that she fastened with a thin paintbrush she found in her pocket.

She also found a too-big shirt she presumed was Octavians which she pulled over her head with a tug.

After this she silently tiptoed out of the bathroom, and, as she walked by the bed, she leaned down and planted a kiss on Octavians forehead, between his closed eyes.

Rachel walked into the kitchen and started bustling around making breakfast.

Octavians pov:

Octavian awoke when he noticed his Rachel was gone. He sat up when he heard she had gone into the bathroom.

He lay back down on his back, thinking about his good fortune.

His eyes half-closed, he heard Rachel tiptoe out of the bathroom. Suddenly he could smell her scent of roses and felt her kiss his forehead, then walking away, humming softly. He recognized the song, Heart by Heart by Demi Lovato. Octavian loved listening to the radio.

He stood up and walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

He tiptoed over to Rachel and swung her into his arms. She squealed and he carefully placed her on top  of the counter.

Before he bent down to kiss her, he had only one thought in his mind,

Life was perfect.

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