Chapter 6

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This chapter is dedicated to @silverhuntresses because she is awesome;) BTW, i cant reply to any comments at the moment...

Rachel's POV:

All Rachel felt was happiness that afternoon as the peace negotiations started. At first she was a bit disapointed that Octavian wasn't there but figured it might be for the best; if he was there she would probably blush a lot and not be able to control herself.

Shit, she had been to busy thinking about her prince to notice the question that had been asked and now everyone was quiet, waiting for her answer.

" Can I go to the bathroom?" Was all she could murmur. "Off course," was Reyna's happy reply. "I'll get someone to show you where it is." She turned her head "Octavian! If you aren't too busy torturing Teddy's can you show our guest the bathroom?"

Out of the shadows stepped Octavian.

Octavians pov:

"Sure" I mumbled and started walking towards Rachel, like the earth is drawn to the sun I walked toward her.

We walked out of the room together and I started walking down a corridor. After having had made sure that there was nobody around, Octavian turned around quickly and pushed Rachel up towards the wall.

He leaned down to kiss her and she stood on her tiptoes to reach.

Suddenly they heard a caught and broke apart quickly.

At the end of the hallway stood Percy.

Sorry, its a short chapter. I'll post the next one asap.

Please rate and comment;)

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