A Proposal

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It's merely a theory but if she's right, then Amaryl now have a rough idea how the scheduling were done. The guards she saw walking around during her former duties were unlikely just a coincidence.

She already noted, the guards were made up with veterans with few greenhorns. Unlike their clumsy, laid-backed counterparts, the veteran had installed discipline into their bones and memorise the time change of their shifts. They moved at the exact time the bell tower chime while the greenhorns gave hints on the situation outside.

With the lastest guard exchange, this marks the fourth day she was imprisoned. From the wet clothes, dripping drops to the floor, she conclude it was raining, almost conveniently with how the guards cheered for it. Skipping training maybe. She seen them practice around the perimeter before.

It's a shame she couldn't share the same sentiment as them. Than a happy occurrence, this would mean they will have to face two different weather conditions, both could affect their health if not taken the necessary countermeasures. And something tells her, their health won't be the main priority in their mind.

Troubling. The same fact makes her more confused on the primary objective of their imprisonment. Were they only here due to angering one of family members? But then, none of them had come visit the basement. Shouldn't they personally came to conduct the punishment to show the worth of the commited crime? Even if they dislike getting their hands dirty, wouldn't they send someone as a replacement? The guards only did as their title entails. Guarding them.

What exactly was the end game?


She noticed it before but whenever food were served, the others would always rushed to eat them as like they haven't eaten for weeks. Has there been  a case where the food were held hostage?

Although she was sure the clothes didn't belong them as with hers but she doubts they were lower than commoners at the very least. There were little side-effects which would lead to poor health from missing one day of eating. She would understand if they had health circumstances. As long as they're fully hydrated they'll be fine.

All in all, if anything, they were treated with decent generosity despite their current situation.

"-you get what you get. You don't see me asking for more food, don't ya?"

Amaryl ears perked up at the man's voice. He was one of the more vocal occupant about his displeasure towards both her and the noble family. The same girl who previously offered her a blanket had her whole body shaking and shutters an apology.

Ah, so that's the cause of their actions. Not that she could blame them with the ideology. Every person for themselves. Honestly, food were served three times at the scheduled day while not much to say, it was the same type of dishes the workers were given during meal times. There was no need to rush like it would run out. Maybe, it would but that way of eating would only lead to a stomach ache. It's a miracle nothing happen during her short time here.

Seeing the conversation finished, Amaryl beckons the girl to come closer.

"Come here, g— Alys."

The girl jumps and look at her wide eyes. While a bit hesitated, she shuffles her way to Amaryl. Again, the same warnings were thrown in but let's not care of it, shall we?

"Here." She gently passed the bowl of soup to her, "Be careful, it's a little hot. You might burn yourself."

The room fell into silent, even the guards held their breath. She doesn't understand why exactly. The one who broke the delicate atmosphere was the small brunette.

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