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The day was almost lovely with the clouds floating about and the soft autumn wind blew passed her. Almost, of course. To begin with, what would she know about clouds and winds when she's trapped in the basement with no window installed?

To no one's expectation, three days after her summon, they were saved from imprisonment. A miracle, a woman cried. Like a knight in shining armor, mounting a marvellous stalion to save the day.

Meanwhile, outside the estate, Amaryl watches as the woman with ill-looking skin talking with the knights in said shining armor. Rather intimate, to be exact. The woman mantains a stern demeanor, in contrast how she had behaved in the cell. Scared, frail, ill, weak. It's as if she was currently looking at a different person.

"Captain." A knight saluted. "We have successfully enclose the whole mansion as pre-ordered. The prisoners were released from their captive, the guilty parties were detained at the main hall with the members of the Roselle family inside the meeting room. Now, awaiting for your orders."

She nod. "Search every crock of the mansion. Don't let a single rat get away." Her voice carried throughout the whole platoon. Confident and dignified.

"Yes, Captain!" The knights answered simultaneously.

The previously captive hostages were all at shock after finding out the truth of their companion. There wasn't a hint of her connection to the Knight's Order. Quite the dedicated actress, is Amaryl say so herself.

With the order said, the knights were everywhere, almost scrambled around the area yet they move smoothly and with duties to be fill. A lady knight walk closer to their direction and politely told to follow her.

The mansion was beautiful as it was massive. It has been nearly three months since she set foot onto its ground. So, her surprise was understanding, how it look quite small in a distance. Just a speck of dust comparing to the world.

She mused. What a small cage it was.


"How are you feeling, Amryl?" The talented actre— lady knight asked, smiling her way as she gesture the seat in front of her.

"I didn't found any problems both physically and mentally. So to conclude, I feel fine. Thank you for asking, madam."


"Yesh, looks like we got them red-handed, Captain." A man next to her said, shaking his head. "Never thought they were that inhumane. Laying a hand on childr—" He immediately clammed up for no reason.

"Right." The lady knight —Madam Cheryl, she needs to remember that, glares at him before focusing on her. "Do you know why you're here, Amaryl?"

"I saw Sir Daryl and Madam Sherry leaving the building before I entered. I assume I was brought here for questioning on my part of the story."

"Correct. We're also making sure there won't be a lasting trauma on the victim especially, young children."

She nod. "I understand."

"Can you tell us about yourself first?"


"We appreciate your assistance, Amryl." Cheryl smiles before turning wry, "and I apologise, due to your... Previous occupation, I need you to come back. Around, 2 days time?"

"I understand. I'll take heed of it. Have a nice day, madam."

Amaryl make sure to do a curtsy before being escort to the entrance.

With the door shut, Ryan scratch his beard and voiced. "It's not like I don't trust the papers but are you sure that kid is just-"

"Mix, maybe. We're not sure yet." Cheryl said curtly. "That's enough of the topic. We don't have all day. Have the next person enter."

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