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Persephone's POV

"We need a break!"

I cringe stepping back away from the door as Ana's angry voice collides with it. I guess that's what I get for eavesdropping. "Ana..."

"Don't Ana me, after everything that's happened I think I deserve a chance at a normal life especially since I've never had one." She continues her voice cracking like she's trying to hold tears back.

"I know, but this team needs you" Nightwing tries again keeping his voice softer and less demanding something he hardly ever does. "I'll help with training but..." Her voice trails off and I desperately want to hug the girl I've come to love like a sister, but I know busting in would be frowned upon.

She inhales deeply and I can make out heavy footsteps followed by muffled sobs. "First Jason, now Tula..."

"I know Ana, I know... We'll get through this even if that means you and Wally need a break." The footsteps move towards the door, and I turn myself invisible just before it swings open only changing back when they're down the hall.

"You know spying isn't nice, right?" I jump twirling around jutting my pisonic energy covered hand out only to come face to face with Robin. "Neither is stalking." I add dropping my hand a blush crossing my cheeks but he doesn't seem phased.

It has to be the mask, I desperately need to get myself one.

"The team's falling apart around us." He sighs, and even though I hate to admit it he's right. "Don't say that." I whisper my voice dropping mainly out of fear. What happens to me if he's right because the stability of this place is the only thing keeping me from snapping.

"But we'll figure something out, we have to for everyone not on this team." He stepped closer hesitantly setting a hand on my shoulder, and I try my best to smile but that's hard to do when you have a mind like mine.

Once I go dark it takes awhile to get back.

Everyone knows this, they just choose not to bring it up and act like I'm perfectly fine. However deep down I know they're still worried even though I'm better. I've been on very few missions because of the uncertainty of my powers after all reality warping is nothing to mess with.

Not to mention the few people that still don't trust me. Mixing my family with my powers tends to be unsettling for some Batman being one of them. Which sucks since I really like talking and hanging out with Robin.

"Percy, do you want to go get some lunch?" Robin asks and by the way he's waving his hand in front of my face tells me I spaced out. "I'd love to, preferably before Divine tries cooking us something."

He chuckles taking off running and I instantly follow suit not about to let him win.

Something tells me no matter what happens I'll always have this now that I've got it

Wally's POV

It's been over six months since we quit the team, and a lot of has changed. Ana and I moved to DC to attend Georgetown University, and honestly I'm loving it. She still helps with combat training with the team, and I've been interning at Star Labs.

Currently I'm walking through the cave trying to find Ana because she's not in our usual meeting spot. I keep wandering extremely tempted to steal a sandwich from the lunch box I packed when I thankfully find her.

She's lounging against the counter top so relaxed and carefree. Her blonde waves are falling in front of her face tangling together slightly, and even though she's relaxed her posture resembles a board a habit she's never been able to break. I round the corner to see she's smiling admiring a picture of the team she must of found on the counter as it reflects in her eyes, and she's humming a lullaby. One that I've caught her humming a lot lately.

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