chapter five: coincidence

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there are those days where you've been left with nothing but your demons as your forced companions

those days are the days you've felt the lowest of the low.

you're alone with nothing but the hostile and disgusting words your demons spit at you, alone with no presence able to comfort you but yourself.

no matter how deep into the corners of your small mind you run towards, your demons seem to be faster than the speed of light. you beg and beg til you drop to your frail little knees, your hands clasped together, tears running down your pale flushed cheeks. you try so hard to yell, but no words pour out your lips.

you're demons are walking around you, taking advantage in knowing you have no one near you to help, taking advantage of your current vulnerable mind.

it's days like these that you never want to come, days like these where you try your hardest to break your shell and go out into the real world.

it's days like this where for some reason, everyone seems to be occupied.

days like this where you question whether it's even a coincidence that they're busy.

poetry from a depressed personWhere stories live. Discover now