First Day (Extended)

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Jaehee's POV~

When I parted from my sister, I went to my first class. I couldn't wait to start a new day with new people, but I have anxiety when I am near people. I got a text from my sister, Kim Niki. She is my other sister that is in our group, but she went to America for a couple months to 'become a better dancer' our boss says. 

Snikerz- UNNIEEEEEEE! Guess who is coming backkkkkkkk to Korea!!

Me- Souvenirs?

Snikerz- 😑😑😑

Me-😂 I'm kidding, are you coming backkk???

Snikerz- I'm hurt and yes I am. 

Me- Gomawo Eomma 😂😂😂

Snikerz- I can't with you. Bye.

Me-Baii ^_^

I'm excited to see her and I finally reached the classroom. I knocked and the teacher signaled me to come in. "CLASS! Settle down, we got someone new that's going to be with us today. Please introduce yourself." I spoke with a normal uninterested tone and said, "Hi, my name is Lee Jaehee, I hope we all get along and please take care of me." The teacher told me to sit at the back with the two empty seats. I sat down and took two sheets of paper and pencil. I was writing notes on one of the paper and wrote lyrics on the other. Suddenly, WHOOSH. "Min Yoongi! Park Jimin! Why are you late!" They ignored the teacher and everyone squealing except for me. The teacher sighed and they sat down next to me. Everyone was death glaring at me and I just gave them a 'whatever' look. The class was still going on and I was multitasking until PSSST. I decided to ignore it cause I could care less for them. Honestly, my bias is Min Yoongi and I tried to look presentable in front of him. Yoongi then threw an eraser and I gave him a 'What the hell you want man' look. He whispered in my ear and said, "Do my notes." I gave him a bitchy look and response. "Are your hands broken?" 'No' "Then you can do it then." Then I finished my notes. He then flicked my forehead and flicked him back. He looked like he was enjoying the game, until the teacher scolds us. I look at my lyrics and keep writing, then Jimin snatches it and smiles at me. "You write lyrics?" I nod and he gives me my paper back, but when I was about to get it back..Yoongi snatches it. He scribbled on it and messed his hair up and then flicked him nonstop. So much for having a good day. I mumble and the bell rings. I threw the paper because it was our first song I worked on and the original was at the studio. I was about to walk out until Jimin tapped my shoulders. "Hi." He says as he smiles. Mochi is so cuteeeeee. I can always fangirl in my head. I thought and then I responded to him "Hey." We we're walking until he had to go to class. He asked for my schedule and he looked at me with a sad smile. "All your classes are with Yoongi." I wanted to punch Yoongi so much after what Jimin said, but whatever. We bid our goodbyes and I went to Math. I saw my sister alone and went to her and then Jungkook came into the room. Of course, everyone will be drooling over them. I just ignore people like they don't even exist. Then Yoongi and Taehyung come in. Great. And of course, he sits with me again. Ugh! Then I overhear Jungkook talking about not taking his notes and I tell him, "You got hands for a reason, use them." I hear everyone 'oooo' in the back while Jungkook scoffs at me. I keep my emotionless face on and then Yoongi laughing like an idiot. Talk about weird. Class ended and Eijiro shows me her note from Jeon Jungkook, but told her to just get food. She was concerned about the note, but I shrug it off and we eat. While we were eating, three girls came over and asked to sit with us and I nodded, along with Eijiro. We had a nice talk until I saw an angry BTS. I told the girls to leave for a second and the moved a few tables. Eijiro finally understood what was going on and I knew she was scared. "Where were you?" Yoongi says. "In here of course, that's why we're here."  Then I felt glares at me and I just had to say something good,"If you guys are here just to watch me eat, then go to a table far from here so I don't have to look at your guys faces." Now everyone is "oohing". Yoongi pours Orange Juice in my hair and I didn't even notice that I lost control and poured milk all over him and walked to a restroom. I calm down a bit and wash my hair out and changed my shirt. I walk out same timing as that stubborn kid comes out. I walk away, avoiding his stares and little did I know, he pinned me to the wall. I look at him with fire in my eyes and he looked amused. "Let me go" I said coldly. He only tightened his grip on me and he leaned closer to me. His lips were too close, but too tempting at the same time. I just remembered that my reputation will get messed up if he kisses me and I pushed him. "If you wanted to kiss me, forget it, my lips will become crusty if they touch yours." He scoffed and let go of me. I walked away, but he walked with me. "You're different from the others, everyone would want to kiss me." He smirked. I cringed and said, "Well I'm my own self and I don't need to follow other people's steps, you're a pabo. You know?" He started laughing and the bell rang. I was trying to get to class and avoid attention until Mr. Pabo intertwined my hand with his big ones. Why can't he just leave me alone?! We got to class and of course, everyone wants to murder me when I sit next to him AGAIN! They were already mad when he held my hand. I kept quiet and apparently, this was the class we learn English. Lucky me, it's my language I first learned. So it's fun watching them struggle at words because I can help someone that needs help. I love helping, speaking of which, "Jaehee?" The teacher called me. I replied with a yes? "Do you mind giving this paper to the gym?" I nodded and grabbed the paper to give the gym teacher. I got there in no time and gave the paper to the coach. I scanned the room for Eijiro and found her pinned to the wall with Mr. Flirty Boi. I walk behind them and heard Jungkook say, "You're my type. Wonder how long I have to wait to make you mine." That's it. "Sis, I need to talk to you about something." They both jumped from my random appearance and I saved Eijiro from that creep. She looked confused and scared. We go to the bathroom and she explained what happened. "I don't want to be near him anymore." Was all she had to say. I hugged her and said, " Don't worry, you gotta stand for yourself and avoid him at all costs, just stay by my side or your new friends." She nodded and I told her I had to go to class. I was back in the class and sat again, thank god the pabo was asleep or I would probably be fighting him right now. I saw his notebook in his bag and decided to be a nice person and take it from his bag. I shoved it into my bag and texted Eijiro.

Me- Take Jungkook's notebook when you can.

Class ended and it was time for Gym. Yoongi woke up and I quickly left the class before he could catch up, but I failed. He held my hand and here we go again, center of attention. I got to the gym locker room and I got a locker for my clothes. I opened it and a group of girls slammed my locker shut. I turned around and saw two girls death glaring at me and I calmly said, "Do you need anything?" They looked at me and said, "Stay away from the Bangtan Boys." I laughed, which made them more angry and I said, "I don't intend to anytime soon, just tell them to leave me alone." With that, I had my clothes on and walked out. I could feel all the guys stares and whispering. Uhm.awkward. Everyone except the bullies and Yoongi were out and didn't notice Jimin and Taehyung walking up to me. "Hey." They say in sync. "Hi." "You're the girl that is giving Yoongi a hard time. We should be get along well." Taehyung showed his famous rectangular smile and Jimin smiled Mochi Style. Can I fangirl and scream like right now? I just nod and then they hand me their phones. I gladly put my number in and hand their phones out. Just then, the bullies came out, and Yoongi came seconds later. The girls glared at me and me and the guys all walked to the coach. The coach started yelling, "Alright Class!! We will be playing basketball, so choose your partners and this will be a 2 on 2 game per hoop. I looked at the boys and they obviously give Jimin to me, since we were both short. We walk to a hoop and I whisper to Jimin, "Don't worry, I played basketball for a long time, so you and I will work together." He grinned and we high five each other. We started playing and we got the ball first. Three pointer: Shot. Yoongi's three pointer: Shot. We kept scoring back and forth until Taehyung and Jimin told us to do one on one. I smirked and slapped the ball out of his hands. I then I broke his ankles. (I would love to crush Yoongi at his own game lol) He then scored and we were tied. I was about to make the final point, but of course, slam! I fell face flat on the floor. Curse my clumsiness and..those pretty little girls. Yoongi helped me up and looked concerned to see if I was okay, my knees were bleeding, but since I was wearing black leggings, it was hardly noticeable. "I'm fine." I lied. He seemed relieved and he won the game. The guys liked my athletic self and I felt flattered. Class ended and I changed out and went to my final class. Dance. I loved dancing, it's my passion.

Joker- I got his notebook in my bag, I'll give it to you in class.

A smile crept onto my face and caught up with my sister in the hallways. We made it to class and we sat with our new friends from lunch. Everything was fine till... "Class! The new kids are in this class. Do you guys mind showing us your dance moves?" We nodded and my knees were in a little pain, but I can survive and we sat down. Jennie joined us also and it was a lot of fun."We got a new project! You got to dance with a partner, but it's going to be a boy and girl dance choreography." Great. Jungkook already chose her and she just gave up. I was partnered with my friend, Kim Taehyung.

To Be Continued. . .

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Make sure to love and support my besties!! Have a great day and remember to love yourself guys!!! 💜💜💜 

Ellemenopeep  (This is Eijiro! Support and love my lovely sister ^_^ 💜💜💜💕💕💕💕)

 사랑해 (Saranghae)

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