Chapter 13: Proposal

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Please let this go well.

Stepping towards me, Tré breaks the silence. "Hey! I heard you can play guitar pretty good, right?" I respond after a moment, still processing that the Tré Cool is talking to me.

"Um, I guess I'm okay. I've gotten better since Billie's been teaching me, but I'm not nearly as good as-"

"Jeez, Frank. Way to be polite. You didn't even tell her your name!" Mike says, cutting me off. Turning to me he continues.

"You'll have to excuse him, he's an asshole. I'm Mike." He holds out a hand for me and I shake it. Tré walks over, butting in.

"I didn't tell her my name because she already knows it! Billie said she's a fan, so she knows who we are, dumbass!" He says, playfully shoving Mike. Billie Joe is standing next to me, laughing, but still looking very tired.

"Okay, guys, seriously, I don't think she came to see you fight. " He says, chuckling. They both stop, and Mike gives Tré a final shove towards the drum set.

"Yeah Tré, shut up and behave!" He says with a joking grin. Tré sticks his tounge out, flipping him off, but sits down at the drum set, and Mike makes his way over to his bass.

I look and Billie's tiredly picking up his guitar, already standing at the mic in the center. He looks back and sees everyone set, and suddenly all tiredness is gone from his face.

"Alright everyone!" He says, talking out towards where I've sat down to watch. "This first song is called Amanda."  And just like that, everyone springs to life.

I sit in awe, watching everyone play. I've seen Billie play before, but watching him perform with these guys, it's like he takes his confidence to a new level.

And Tré is an absolute maniac on the drums, somehow looking frantic and spastic, but hitting every beat properly.

But I find myself watching Mike the most. I've always loved the bass guitar, but have never even touched one! However, Mike makes it look so easy, it really seems like second nature to him.

The song ends and I applaud, blown away. They proceed to then play Holiday and American Eulogy, all with the same intense energy. Once they finish those two songs, they take a quick break, each of them going to get a drink.

Once they've hydrated, they head back to their makeshift stage. I glance over and see Billie pulling out another guitar from a stand, and he sits to tune it.

Curious, I ask, "What's with the other guitar? The one you had seemed to be working fine."

"It's not for me, kid." He says as he tunes the last string. He walks over to me, placing it in my lap. "Now it's your turn," he says, smiling proudly.

"I-I'm sorry, what?" I respond, feeling a bit lightheaded.

"We're gonna do some songs you know, and you and I can go back and forth on vocals. Just like we've been doing already. It's just adding in drums and bass." He takes my hands and stands me up.

"I-I...I don't think I can do that!" I say, panicking. Playing in front of just Billie is one thing, he's been teaching me so he knows I'm not good. But playing in front of Mike and Tré, who I've looked up to for years? This is crazy!

"Just give it a shot, kid." He says quietly with a smile. "Y'know, I think you'll be surprised how easy it comes to you."

For some strange reason, my gut is telling me to humor him. I take a deep breath, tighten the guitar strap, and walk over to the empty microphone. Mike and Tré were already in their spots, waiting for Billie and I.

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