Chapter 22: Joey and Billie

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I walk down to the auditorium with Mike's bass, as Billie was planning on just picking me up after rehersal.

I've gone to like 4 Green Day practices now, and tonight's finally the night! Our two weeks are up, and I'm finally going to be a part of their band. I have seriously learned so much in this time, like, not only can I play the bass pretty decently now, Tré's also been showing me the drums! It's fun, and he's a pretty good teacher when he's not just acting stupid.

And last rehersal Mike told me he thought I was really good and was 100% prepared to be in Green Day. This was a big relief as I was really worried I messed up when I played for him. Jason is also really cool and laid back, and was completly unfazed when Billie told him our deal about me joining.

I smile to myself; I seriously could not ask for a better group of people to be doing this with!

As for the school play, we still have a few more weeks left of rehersing, and I was starting to really feel confident in my role of Alice. I suddenly feel a hand on my arm and I look up.

"Hey Joey, what's up?" I say with a tentative smile. Things have still been a bit tense lately between us, and I never know what kind of mood I'm going to catch him in. Much to my relief, he smiles back.

"Hey! Mind if I walk with you?"

"Nope, come on, slowpoke," I say back, grinning as we pick up the pace.

"So would ya maybe want to come over after this?" He asks after a brief moment of silence.


I sigh and look away, as this is how most of our fights start lately. "Um, sorry J, I can't today. " I say apologetically and gesture to the bass guitar. "I've got lessons today, but maybe-"

"Oh, sorry, I've got lessons," he mocks, cutting me off. "God, do you know how many times you've told me that?"

And here we go again...

"Joey, I'm sorry, but-"

"STOP DAMN APOLOGIZING!" He yells suddenly and I step back instinctively.

He takes a breath and tries to steady his voice, but I hear it shaking with rage.

"You literally never spend time with me anymore. It's all Billie Joe this and guitar lessons that, and I'm goddamn tired of it! Some days it honestly feels like you're dating him and not me!!"

He looks to me for a response, but I just stand there, trying to collect some solid thought. However, he keeps going, his voice rising more and more.

"And that doesn't even start what you've done to my family! Ever since you came into my dad's life my mom's been so fucking stressed! They're literally always fighting now, and it's all your fault! Your. Fucking. Fault."

He's really angry now, and all red in the face, and people have stopped to stare. I feel my face turn red, and I try to calm him down.

"J, you need to calm down-"

"CALM DOWN? FUCKING CALM DOWN?!?!? YOU'RE BREAKING MY FAMILY APART, MALLORY!" He absolutly loses it and screams. His shoulders then slump and he mutters under his breath.

"I fucking wish we could go back to before you met my family..."

I stand there stunned, and try to collect my thoughts.

"Joey, I'm really sorry about your family, I wish they weren't fighting, really I do, but...but things can't go back to being that way..."

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