Past Mistake

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It was a normal day for Cerabie and her brother Rasmus. Their dad was dealing with the problems the people had, and their mother was out in the sector 4 dealing with a mysterious corn thief. The prince and princess were only in their early teens and would often fight about stuff like new rules, school work, even diner. Today was different, Cerabie was really mad at her brother for embracing her in front of the 8th grade, and she had a lot to say.

As soon as Rasmus came home, Cerabie saw that her brother's head was down and he was wearing his long sleeve uniform and he looked like he had been crying. But she was too mad to care. "Alright you little shark, (shark = s**t) you've got a lot to make up for!"

"Sis, n...not now, please."

"No, no not nows You're in a lot of trouble. You posted the most embarrassing photo of me to the whole 8th grade! And before you go saying it wasn't me, your name was on the sent from sentence on the bottom of the email. Your lucky you didn't do more than that or I would have killed you then and there!"

"Sis... I... I really didn't, I... my phone was stolen." His voice was really low and and cracked constantly cracking. Cerabie wasn't having it.

"Really!? I doubt it! Your the prince no one is going to do that! Nice try!" She pushed him over onto the stairs that came down into their room. His head hit a corner of one step. "Your not going anywhere till auntie Kate gets it off the internet! You little shark!"

Through tears and pain, "Maybe you should ask and not jump to conclusions!" Rasmus yelped, got up and ran out of the room crying.

An hour later, Cerabie was greeted by her father. "Cerabie, did you get up at Rasmus?"

"He put the most embarrassing picture of me out on the internet! Of cause I got up at him!"

"Cerabie! Watch your tone! That wasn't Rasy. His phone was found in the courtyard. And he's with mum at the hospital."

"Hospital!? What!?"

"I think you know why. He said you pushed him onto the stares. His head was bleeding. It's split, Cerabie!" Cerebie thought for a minute she went into shock. She didn't think. Her anger took over her.

"I need to see him!!!"

"No you don't. He's coming home tonight. You'll see him then." Her father left her in the shock stage and in thought. She had just hurt her brother for no reason. What was she thinking? Why wasn't she thinking? A light and a vibration came from her phone, and she grabbed it not wanting to talk right now. Once she opened the text, it was from Ras. "Rasy!" She was about to text back before she saw the video that was sent. She watch the video, which had three 10th graders punching him and struggling him, then taking the phone. The video ended and Cerabie wasn't waiting for her brother to come home, she dashed out and ran down to the hospital as fast as a dolphin. Once there she asked which room he was in and raced there immediately. She got there and opened the door slowly. "Ras?"

"Hey sis."

"Rasy!!!" She races to his side and hugged him lightly. "I'm so sorry! I was just so angry! The nexis energy was too strong for me to fight! I'm sorry!" She evens started to cry from the pain she felt.

"It's ok Cerabie. The doctors said I'll be fine in a few days. So, you'll have time to get those boys."


"You owe me."

"Ok, little brother. Consider it done."

Once Rasmus came home the bullies had to deal with Cerabie's raff. Ras was back in school with Cerabie the next week.

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