The Day I Was Free

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Summary; Jewel's backstory I guess

Another 6 in the morning start for Jewel. The ringmaster came around and electrocuted everyone to wake them at 6:05, so Jewel learned to wake up early to avoid it.
Jewel was one of the youngest ones in the 'circus' she was forced into. Jewel sat and thought of her nightmares from her past. Her kidnapping. Her torture. It was all terrifying. Her parents yelling for her as she was being dragged away from them. Her sister racing after her, spitting acid at Anyone who tried to stop her. It was all messed up. "Get Up!!!" The ringmaster shouted, taking her out of her thoughts. She sighed and sat up, waiting for the ringmaster to open her cage and let her out.
He finally came around the corner and let her out. He had dark red hair, sliver eyes and a classic ring leader outfit. "You're up first. Get ready." He barked.
"Yes sir." Jewel immediately said, racing off to the dressing room. As she entered, she swiftly grabbed out her fire outfit. A red, orange and yellow gymnastic outfit with black leggings.
"Morning." Jewel jumped, but turned around to see another fire performer. Dragon. A red and orange dragon with 8 horns, bandages all up his arms and half his leg and a pair of small wings.
"Hey Dragon. Ready?" Jewel asked, tossing his clothes to him.
"To get yelled at? Yeah. I'm ready." Dragon joked, putting his shirt on. He was the only one who stood up to the ringmaster, and was the only one who's tried to escape.
"Well, maybe you shouldn't get up at him." Jewel giggled, grabbing him and walking outside to the ring with everyone else. The ring leader wasn't out yet, so everyone was in discussion. "What's going on?" Jewel asked, they never did this.
"Jewel, We're breaking out." Dragon explained quietly.
Jewel was about to scream, but rethought her reaction. "But, how?"
"We'll all work together and escape. You an me will burn a hole in the tent during the show, then everyone will run out, ok. I'll protect you, I promise." He finished with a smile. He was like her older brother ever since she arrived. For almost 10 years, he was there for her. She nodded and the group split up into their performance groups to go back to practicing.

Finally, the time came. Jewel and Dragon got ready at the top of the high rope, as the other performers did their dance in the ring. Dragon noticed that Jewel was nervous. He placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled. "Just think. You can go home after this." His words helped. Jewel remembered her parents and her sister as the ringmaster announced them.
3. They were sliding down the pole.
2. They aimed.
1. They fired.
The tent was set ablaze. Holes filled the fabric and everyone was running around and panicking. Every creature in the circus ran out of the tent through the holes and took off in different directions. Dragon and Jewel were with them. The ringmaster screamed like everyone else but the screams soon faded as the flames did too. They were free.
"Yes!" Dragon yelled happily, jumping up and down happily. Jewel was happy, but wasn't yelling and jumping.
"We're are we?" She asked.
Dragon didn't understand. "I- I don't know. Why?" He asked.
"I- we're not home." She began to cry. Tears of blue ran down her white, dirty feathers. "W-where's my parents? My sister? M-my home?"
Dragon then realised. He didn't have a home. He didn't have family. He now saw the pain she was going through. She wanted her family. She wanted to go home. "Jewel," he held her tight, and allowed her to cry. "We'll find a place to stay for tonight then we'll go look for them. It's going to be ok. I promise."
"O-ok." She started to calm down and they started towards a near by town called 'The Reef' which is where some of the people came from. That was until someone called.
"Hey! You two!" The pair looked behind them to see two people. One looked like Jewel, but without wings and was a rooster. The other looked like a penguin. "Where are you guys heading?" The penguin asked.
"The reef. And you?" Dragon said.
"We live there. You two need a place?" The rooster asked.
"Yes please." Jewel spoke up.

And that's only the beginning of their journey.

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