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I just wanna say before you read this was inspired by @BridgetTh3B1rd, old memories, hospital rush. Go check it out. Hope you don't mind BridgetTh3B1RD.

This is when the princes are 6 and 6 1/2. Rasmus, Cerabie, Poseidon, Professor Pikalus, KrakenKid, The Sneaky Sisters, Joe and Cody. Also, they have a wall out in the backyard which is covered in thick fan coral. The boy are always told not to climb on it because although it's thick, it's not that strong. !Enjoy!

"Cody! Can you come here please?" Cerabie called out into the backyard.

"Coming mum!" Cody got up and turned to his friends, Pikalus and KrakenKid, and his little brother. "I'll be right back, ok?"

"Yep." KrakenKid said.

"Don't be too long." Pikalus followed.

"See you soon bro." Joe called to him as he ran towards their mum's voice. "So, What now?"

KrakenKid and Pikalus looked each other. They started whispering to each other, then smiled wickedly. They turned to the young prince before speaking. "Well... we could play, truth or dare." KrakenKid suggested.

"What?" Joe had never played truth or dare. His brother and mermaid friends never suggested it or even asked about it.

"Well... one of us will ask truth or dare to someone, then the person they pick has to pick truth or dare, then the person who asked the question will tell you what to do." Pikalus explained. Joe still looked confused.

"Like this." KrakenKid turned to Pikalus. "Pikalus, truth or dare?"


"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"No! Wait why was that the example?" Pikalus asked.

"Oh I get. So once you pick and one of you tell the other what to do, you have to do it! Right?" Joe said, finally getting the game.

"Yeah. Exactly!" KrakenKid said. "Alright, I'll go first. Pikalus..."

"Why me again?"

"Go with it. Truth or dare?"


"Did you... cheat on the maths test!"

"Actually, That depends on which maths test. But if we're talking about the one last week, than no." Pikalus comesed. "Alright, my turn. Joe, truth or dare?"

Joe hesitated, they hadn't chosen dare yet. "Um... dare?"

"Ooo. Dare. Hmmmm." Pikalus looked a KrakenKid with the same smile of wickedness before saying, what Joe didn't want to hear. "I dare you to climb that." He pointed to the wall of coral.

"What! I'm not allowed! I'll get in trouble!"

"Well alright if you're a scaredy-catfish." KrakenKid said looking away.

"Umm. A...Alright. I'll do it." Joe was always bullied at school because he wouldn't do anything that would brake a rule. He got up and walked towards the wall. He placed one hand on a coral fan and looked back at the others. They nodded, and Joe started to climb.

"Don't fall!" KrakenKid called out trying to scare him.

Joe was almost at the top. The wall was about the same height as a 1 1/2 story building, point, it was high. Joe stopped where he was, because he heard a crack. Suddenly, the coral fan snapped. Joe plumited to the floor fast. He hit the floor, but didn't move. He lay there, motionless. "Oh no! Quickly let's skat!" The Professor's voice was the last thing Joe heard, then blackness.

"Hey guys I'm ba... JOE!!!" Cody raced to his brother's side. "Joe, Joe! Are you ok!?" He didn't move, or talk. "Mum!!! Dad!!! Joe's Hurt!!!"

His parents raced out to Cody. "JOEY!!!" Cerabie raced to Joe and fell next to him, Poseidon did the same.

"Cody, what happened?" Rasmus asked. He had heard Cody as well and had followed his sister.

"I don't know. I was talking with mum. After that I came out and he was like that. Pikalus and KrakenKid would know though."

"I don't think we need them to explain." Poseidon said looking up at a security camera pointed at the wall. "Rasmus, can you take care of the footage, while Cerabie and I go to the hospital?"

"Of cause."

An hour later, the royal family came home with Joe, still unconscious. They took Joe to his room, and Cerabie stayed with him, while Poseidon went to the security room to find Rasmus. "Find anything Ras?"

"Yep! They three were playing truth or dare and bullied Joe into climbing the coral wall. The fan snapped when he was close to the top, and he fell to the ground. Then the others ran off. Seems they're not that friendly after all." Rasmus repeated what he saw. "How's Joey?"

"He broke his arm, and he won't wake up till this afternoon. I'm happy it wasn't worse. How's Cody?"

"He was worried, but I managed to distract him. Then he went to have a nap."

That afternoon, just before dinner, Joe woke up. Cody unfriended the two who hurt him. And they got over it. Joe was fine, and that's how Cody got made trust issues. No one ever even thought to mess with Cody's brother after that.


Hope you like this.

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