Breath of The Dragon

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It was a pretty normal afternoon. Cody and Joe were heading to an abandoned mine the storm guards and Phaton had now taken interest in. Like I said, 'normal' for them at least for them. Pikalus said that the guards weren't there yet, and that they had a lot of time to go in and see what Phaton was after and get out.
The mission however has become a slight problem. There were two ways to go and the coms weren't working this for down. Cody told Joe to go right, while he went left, and no one argued. The tunnel Joe went down was confusing. Twists and turn, drops and steep walls. Joe hated it.
Joe's POV
The tunnel was getting small and smaller by the minute. It twisted and turned every few seconds and it smelt like rotting tuna. I stopped, hearing something crack. Then without warning, the floor broke beneath me. I hit the ground hard with a thud. Trying to get up, I saw a huge dragon made of rock with different kinds of jewels and ores all over it. I managed to stand and dust myself off before walking towards it. I don't know why, but I felt like it was calling me. Standing in front of it, I saw that there was a hole on it's chest. The hole was small, but looked familiar some how.
I was suddenly grabbed, pulled back and to the floor. Looking up I saw my attacker. They were wearing all black with a mask, only their brown eyes were visible. Got up quickly, but was sent back to the floor by another, who grabbed my spear and pined me to the floor with their foot. They pointed the spear tip to my throat, while the other cut off the gemstone I was wearing and took it towards the dragon. I tried to look, but a pain hit the back of my head and my world turned black.
I don't know how long I was out, but I was now surrounded by fire! I turned and the dragon was now in pieces on the floor. Those guys must have destroyed it. I felt my foot become hot and quickly pulled away. The flames were getting closer and close. I started coughing a lot, the room was clouded with smoke and the flames were getting hotter. I got up but immediately fell back to the floor. Now I couldn't stop coughing, and my vision was fading. Before I passed out I saw a silver dragon above me with concerned blue eyes.
When I woke, I was in a dark cave with glowing gems and ores in the walls. It was warm but not hot like it was when the fire raged. Wait a minute! Where am I!? I called out and the dragon head I had seen before was above me again. It was stupid, but I asked if it had brought me here. It responded by opening the walls. They weren't walls, they were wings! Outside the fire was calming, it saved me! I looked up at it and it smiled at me. I saw the gem that those guys stole had stole from me, in that space in the dragon's chest that had a hole. It seemed to power it... I think? I heard Cody call my name, and before I could say anything, the dragon picked me up by the back of my shirt and lifted me through the hole in the floor I had fallen from, and placed me in front of Cody. Cody pulled me from the the dragon and pointed his sword at it. I told him to stand down and that it helped me.
It took a while but both of us and the dragon made it out and headed back to the reef.

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