Chapter One

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Why do people have to be so rude and mean? I honestly do not understand. Why can't the whole world just be kind and harmonize with eachother? Everything is so confusing.

Anyways you might be a but confused on how I started this story. Well let me explain. When I was in fourth grade I could tell I was different. Different in a way that I couldn't understand yet, I was different from my brother, my friends, and everyone else in my class. Things appeared to me differently.

One humid afternoon the other boys had found out my secret. I guess it wasn't that much of a secret because everyone basically had an idea of it, but these other boys had taken it way over the edge.

They started rumors and told people any childish things about me. Even if we were still children, only in sixth grade, it was more of a second grade move. The rumors speed and soon everyone knew about my secret. And when I say everyone I mean EVERYONE. The other kids laughed and pointed. Some ignored me. And some wouldn't even look at me. All of my old friends left and wouldn't talk to me anymore. My brother wouldn't even talk to me and whenever people would ask him if he was my brother he would deny it. Say that he only lived by me. People would talk about me and he would say nothing.

That one afternoon, I remember it like it was just an hour ago. I remember exactly how I met him. And I will always remember everything we had.

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