Chapter Three

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For me it was just a normal day. No clouds in sight and the sun looked down upon us small humans. I wonder if the sun thinks of us people the same as we think of ants. Small and almost useless. What if the sun laughed at us when we do random gravity checks with our faces and the floor? What if it cries with us when we are sad and that is why it rains? Wow. What if all of this is true? God I get so of topic... I'm sorry back to the day when I sort of meet Vic.

Because the morning started out so amazing, I had decided to go to the park. School just didn't seem like a good idea on this beautiful day. Why wast a perfectly good sunny day? And plus, no one would really notice I was gone anyways. I quickly threw a shirt over my head and fixed my hair with my hands. I then brushed my teeth and walked out the front door. No one was awake yet and if I spent enough time out and about, they would think I had just gone to school.

I walked down the cement side walk and smiled at an old couple walking on the other side of the street. The way he held her hand with such love made me happy. It's good to know that men still love and care for women. Not even just women but people in general. I sat down on leaning my back against a neighbors fence and just watched the birds fly by. The old couple had found their way to their mailbox and opened it collecting the mail sent to them. He had taken out the cards and bills then held her hand again smiling down at her. It was quite adorable. They then started the walk back to their humble abode.

I again smiled then retired my shoe, standing back up. My walk to the park continued and I continued to see couples walking. I sighed and shook my head. Why couldn't I find someone to love? Whatever. I shoved the thought into the back of my head and went over to the swings. I pulled out my phone, connecting the headphones to the devise and turning on some music. One day I want to become an artist and help people who need the help through lyrics and music.

Soon noon rolled around and my stomach started to growl. I looked around and noticed a hotdog stand across the street. I smiles then it quickly faded. I hadn't thought to bring any money with me. I groaned and walked over to the stand anyways. I have no idea why but I sat down on a bench right across from the stand staring at the salesman. We had an intense stare-off for at least five minuets, then an older lady walked over to the stand breaking our concentration. She bought a hotdog then ran along to a store near by. We then continued our stare-off until he finally broke and sighed starting to make me a hotdog. I smiled and quickly ran over to his stand.

"Would you like a drink to young man?" He asked still preparing the buns.

"Yes please sir" he poured me a drink and handed me the food and cup. I thanked him and took a bite then ran back over to my swing.

The hotdog wasn't enough to fill me up but it was good enough for now. Mom was probably up by now and cooking lunch or dinner. My music filled my ears and I looked around the park. No one else was there. Weird. Usually when I ditched to come here little kids would be playing tag or 4-square or kickball or something. Not even any couples were on dates or siting making out. It was weird being alone with the metal poles, grass, and many trees.

My eyes started to droop but I then heard someone crying. My head shot up and looked around the park. How could I be hearing someone cry if no one else was around? My eyes reached a figure down by the playground. It was a little boy. Looked about a couple years younger than me but not by much. For a while I just stayed and looked at him. Time passed and I just watched. I probably should have gone up and talked or comforted him but my body was motionless and felt as though it was impossible for me to move my muscles. He picked up his head and dried his eyes still not noticing me. He stood up and threw his bag over his shoulder and brushed off thee sand from his pants and back side. It was then his eyes met mine. It was then when I knew he needed me and my love. It was right in that split second when he looked like a lost puppy facing the pet patrol for the first time. His feet began to work again and he ran the fastest I had ever seen a kid his size run.

I thought of running after him but decided against it. He didn't know me and I didn't know him. Maybe his dog had dies that morning and needed to be alone. Or maybe he had a bad day. Whatever the case I would stay out of it for now. My journey home began but I couldn't get his face, that beautiful face, out of my head. But little did I know, that was a good thing. Because he would mean the world to me one day and the same with me to him.

But we will have to get into those details later.

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