Chapter Two

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I had ran out of the school to escape the bully's. I ran and ran until a park came into sight. I didn't recognize what park it was but it didn't matter, as long as it was a safe and rumor free place. I ran and sat alone under the play ground and leaned against one of the poles keeping the play ground up and sturdy. Well I thought I was alone.

Little did I know there was another boy swinging on the swings watching me cry my heart out. He saw everything that first day but said nothing and did nothing. I would have liked to scream at him and ask why he had not helped when he saw that I needed comfort and a loving body to hold me.

But this little boy would soon provide me with every little thing I needed. no matter how silly it would be.

The rest of the day was me just sitting on the sand with my head in my knees crying all my tears out. And this little boy watching me from the comforts of that blue plastic swingset.

I stayed there until it the sun started to set. I dried my tears and picked up my back back. Looking up quickly I saw him. I saw the little boy and he saw me. A knot the size of a baseball formed in my throat. The only thing I could think of was to run. I mean it was almost instinct to run. So that's what I did. I ran and ran and ran far far away and didn't look back.

When I got home everyone was yelling and screaming at the top of their lungs. I flinched and continued to run upstairs to my room. The walls were my only friend now. Thoughts circled in my head and I couldn't help but let more tears run down my face and leave trails down my cheeks. Soon my thoughts turned into my dreams. That was the first time I sorta met him. But with in time we would talk and become friends.

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