Chapter Four

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The next morning I couldn't stop thinking about that boy. His face was stuck in my head and it wouldn't get out. Eating didn't seem like a priority at the moment, so I didn't eat breakfast. I wondered if the boy would be at the park today. I walked down the cold, wet sidewalk watching my feet trying not to step on the cracks. I don't know why, but I always do that.

I picked at some lose fabric in the inside of my pocket as I kept walking. Suddenly I was nervous. Again, I don't know why. I mean I hardly even knew the guy, and it's not like I'm going for an interview or anything. Just going to see if he will be there again. Thought roamed my head and soon began to predict the events on what would happen. I made up many different scenarios. Some good, a lot bad.

What would happen if I talked to him and I stuttered horribly, or was to nervous to even speak. What if he was part of that group of jocks that think they are all that? What if he made fun of me and hurt me? What if's swarmed like a hive of bees in my head making me more nervous.

I started to bite my nails. A habit I had picked up when I was little. I always did it when my nerves were on the edge of exploding.

When I got to the park I noticed not many people were there. Same as yesterday. Except today, a boy was sitting on the swings looking directly at me. Still biting one nail I looked around to see if there was a possibility someone was behind me and that's who he was looking at.


It was only me and him. I sighed and put my hands back in my sweatshirt pocket messing with the piece of lose fabric again. My feet started moving again towards the boy. Slowly I made it over there. My head lifted up and meet him eyes. I could see how green they were. I quickly looked back down at my feet at pulled at the fabric. It tore and I sighed pulling my hand out of the pocket and looked it the black material in my hand.

"Excuse me..?" I heard the boy say and my head shot up faster than you could say my first name. My eyes went wide and I stuttered what was supposed to be words and started to turn around.

"Wait!" My feet stopped as I heard him jump off the swing and walking in front of me looking into my eyes. I started to get nervous and looked everywhere and at everything else but him.

"You were here yesterday right? I remember your face. And the fact that your super short" he chuckled and patted my head then took my hand walking back to the swings. He sat down on the seat he was on before and I sat on the one next to his and looked at my lap messing with my hands.

"So what's your name?" He was looking right at me. Studying me.


"Hey Vic, I'm Kellin Quinn." I waved and smiled slightly. He kept studying me an I looked away not knowing what to do. After a while he looked away facing the rest of the empty park. The swings were right at the edge of the park on a small hill making it easy to see the whole park at one glance.

"So what brings you here again?" He looked at me again. I shrugged and faced my lap still messing with my hands. He sighed and stopped swinging getting up and starting to walk away. I watched him walk away a couple yards then he looked back at me.

"Well are you coming or not?"

Again being as dumb as I am, I turned around looking for another person who he might be talking to. And again, there was no one. No one but little me. So I got up and followed him. To where? I didn't know but I didn't think about that then. I just wanted to learn ore about this stranger.

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