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(Ashton's POV)
//July 10, 2019\\

"Get on the ground!!!" I yell as me and Michael run into the bank with masks on and guns in our hands. 

"Stay calm and no one gets hurt!" He yells as I make my way towards the front counter.
"Take me to the safe!" I hold the gun up to the girl's head as she cries and she slowly gets up with her hands in the air.

"P..please don't hurt me.." she sobs and I just cock the gun as I follow her to the back.  I really didn't want to do this but me and Mike owe a gang a shit ton of money and it's this or get killed. So here we are. 
"Open it" I say as we arrive at the vault. She opens it with shakey and sweaty hands.  "Start putting the money in one of these bags" I toss an empty bag at her as I start shoveling money into my bag and I hear Mike yell "shit!!! Cops are here" soon after I hear the sirens.

"Fuck.." I mumble under my breath.  I slowly walk out of the back room and towards the lobby with my hands up.
"Get on the ground!!!"
"He's got a gun!!"
"Put down the weapon!" All the cops yell as they point their guns at me and I slowly bend down and put the gun on the ground and slide it away, then I lay down on the ground and put my hands on the back of my head as I look over to mike.

He mouths "I'm sorry" as the cops put me in handcuffs and pull me up then take off my mask. 
As some of the officers check on the people in the bank, me and Michael are lead out to the cop cars and put into the back of one. 

"I shouldn't have gotten you into this ash.. it's all my fault.." he says as he hangs his head down low.
"It's okay Mikey.  We were in this together. I made the choice. Its not your fault I promise"

"I'm supposed to protect you.. your mom wanted me to protect you and I didn't." He says and I lean my head on his shoulder. 
"You did your best." I say. 

You see, Mikey is my best friend and like a brother to me.  He's 23 and I'm 18 but he's known me since I was a kid. His mom and my mom were best friends and before my mom passed away, she signed her rights over to him so that he could take care of me. 

"You two boys will be going to prison for a while so I hope it was worth it" the officer says as he gets in the car and starts driving towards the county jail.

Once we arrive at the jail, they take us inside and get all of our information. "Name?" The lady asks.

"I uh. Ashton Fletcher Irwin" I say.
"Age and birthday?"
"18.  July 7, 2001" I say and the lady looks at me.

"You know you're gonna be charged as an adult right?" I just nod my head and sigh. 
She spends about 5 more minutes getting information and and my fingerprints then she sends me with an officer to a cell. He takes off my handcuffs and locks the cell door then walks away. 

I walk over to the bed and sit down then sigh. 
We messed up.  We messed up bad and now we're gonna go to prison for it and I don't think I can handle prison.  Do you know what happens to smaller guys in prison? They get their holes resized to the size of a shower drain. That's what happens.

This is probably the worst mistake I've ever made and I know I'm gonna regret it for the next few years.

"Ash?" I hear from mike. "Yeah?" I say.
"You okay over there?" He asks and I hesitate a bit. 
"No.." I say truthfully.

"The officer said we'll have a court date set soon.  It'll probably be within a week.  Just hang in there.. maybe it won't be too bad. Just tell them I made you do it.." he says and I shake my head.
"No, I'm gonna tell them the truth Mikey. I got myself into this. You didn't force me.  It's okay" I say and I hear him sigh.

"You're gonna be charged as an adult" he says.
"I know Mikey.. I know" I say then I lay down and stare at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry ash." He says  
"It's alright Mikey" I say then I shut my eyes. 

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