Night #1.

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(Ashton's POV)

For the rest of the night, I had Luke getting me anything I needed. He seemed pretty concerned and irritated about the gash but I know it was my fault. I went out of the cell when he told me to stay put.

"Need anything, curly?" He asks as he stands in the door way. I just shake my head and he nods then walks off. He seems nice. I haven't seen him get angry yet but I wonder what he did to get put in a place like this.
A few short minutes later, he returns with a cup of tea. "So what are you in for, curly?" He asks.

"Stole a car then got 2 counts of armed robbery.  Me and my best mate owed a gang a bunch of money so we robbed the bank but got caught. What about you?" I ask and he sighs with a slight smirk on his face.
"breaking and entering, 2nd degree arson, 3 counts of paraphernalia, and attempted murder" he says which makes me stiffen up just a bit.
"Attempted murder?" I ask with hesitation and he nods his head.

"If the cops wouldn't have bust the door down then it would have been murder. But they got there before I was about to pull the trigger." He says with no emotion.
"Who'd you try to kill..?" I ask timidly.
"My ex. He had been cheating on me and got a woman pregnant. He's also a gang leader and quite the abusive type. So I had enough and just snapped. I broke into his house, stole all the drugs he had in the vault, set the curtains on fire, then held a gun up to his head. The only reason the cops showed up is because his baby mama was there and she called them on me once I got all the drugs out."
I just sit there and stare at him for a few minutes until I can think of something to say.

"I'm sorry" I mumble and he looks up at me. "No need to apologize curly. You need to get some rest though, it's gonna be a long day for us tomorrow" he says with a smirk.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow. "You're gonna identify the man who shivved you and we're gonna have a little talk with him" he says and I shake my head.
"No, I can't. I don't know who it was" I say frantically.
"No, you can. And you will, I'm top dog around here and you'll do as I say. So go to sleep ash. You don't want to disobey me, now do you?" He asks in a serious tone and I nod my head. "Good, now if you start to hurt too bad tonight, just wake me up and I'll help you. Goodnight ash." He says as he plops down on his bed.
"Goodnight Luke" I say as I get comfortable in my bed then soon drift off to sleep.

I was asleep for at least 3 hours until I started feeling sharp pains. I try to block out the pain but it's just getting worse by the minute. "L..Luke." I say. But no response. "Luke.." I say louder and he turns over some. "It hurts.." I sob out a bit and he opens his eyes then jumps up and squats next to me.
"Turn over ash. I need to look at it" he says as I wipe the tears from my face. I slowly turn over and I hear him mumble "fuck.."

"W..what is it?" I ask and he sighs. "We gotta put a few more stitches in. Two of them came out and you're bleeding a bit. Just hold still" he says as he stands up and goes to a book shelf and pulls out another needle and then breaks off some string.
"Grip the pillow. This is gonna hurt, curly" he says as he starts to put the needle in my back.

I let out a muffled scream into the pillow and I grip his free hand that's resting on my arm.
After putting in 5 more stitches, he finishes and cleans up the gash and himself.
"Take these" he says as he hands me some pills.
"What are they?" I ask and he hands me a cup of water. "Muscle relaxers, pain meds, and some steroids. They'll help with the pain and the healing. I have a few hiding spots for these things in here in case something like this happens."

I look at the pills for a little while then I finally decide to take them. The pain is just too much, I needed something.
"Thank you, luke" I say and he brushes my hair out of my face. "You're welcome curly" he says.

I slept the rest of the night without any pain and when I woke up the next morning, we had head count. So Luke had to help me out of bed and get my shirt changed so the guards wouldn't see the blood.

After head count was over, I heard a familiar voice. "Ash, you okay?" I look over to see Mikey standing in the doorway and I smile as he walks over to hug me. I wince in pain as he gives me a tight squeeze and Luke pushes mike off of me.
"Who are you, and what do you want?" He asks in a harsh tone as he looks at a furious Michael.
"That's my best mate, Michael. Mikey, this is Luke. He's top dog" I say and they both relax a little.

"What happened?" Mikey asks and I sigh. "He got shivved during the small riot. I told him to stay here but he roamed off. I sewed him up and gave him some meds." Luke says as he stands next to me.

"Who the fuck shivved you?!" Mike yells and I shush him. "You're being loud Mikey. I don't know who it was. Me and Luke are gonna go look for the guys later." I say and he sighs.

"You have got to be careful ash. I promised your mum I'd protect you.." he says in a sincere tone and I smile a little. "I know Mikey. I'm okay. Luke is watching after me" I say and Michael relaxes a little.

"Don't let anyone lay a single hand on Ashton. You better protect him.." Michael says to Luke which gives him a nod in response. "I will. As long as he listens."

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