The cafeteria

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What Ashton looks like in this story^^^^

(Ashton's POV)

"So where are we going now?" I ask as I follow Luke. "Cafeteria. Breakfast time. Also, looking for the guys that shivved you" he says and I nod my head

After making a few more turns down some hallways, we make it to the kitchen. "Morning boys! What're we making today?" Luke asks loudly as he barges in.
One of the guys at the stove turns and smiles "fried eggs with sausage and some biscuits. No grits today because of the riot yesterday" Luke scoffs but shrugs.

"Everyone, this is Ashton. Ashton this is the kitchen crew.  Don't get on their bad side or you'll have something special slipped into your meals" he says and I slightly nod my head but keep my eyes down

"He's a pretty one, aye. I'd like to get into those pants of his" one of the cooks say as they come up next to me and put their arm around me and I tense up. 
"Oi piss off.  This ones off limits. To everyone." Luke says as he pushes the guys arm off me. "I think our top dog has a crush" the chef says as he chuckles.

"Oh shut it Malik.  You wish" Luke says as he laughs a little.  "We're gonna head out to the tables.  We have some business to take care of. You boys be safe in here" he says as he waves at everyone and walks me through some double doors. 

As we walk through the cafeteria, some guys start cat calling and I look over to see they're staring at me.  Next thing I know they go silent and I look back to Luke to see him glaring at them.
"Don't worry about them, curly. I told you, I'll protect you as long as you listen to me.  Now.." he leans closer to me and whispers "look around and see if you can spot the man that did this to you. See if you remember anything"

I do as I'm told as I scan the cafeteria and I notice someone.  In the middle surrounded by a bunch of other men, all laughing.  The guy had short, black hair.  He was quite muscular and was Latino.  He was the one that shivved me. 

I stiffen up a little and tug at Luke's arm and nod in the mans direction

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I stiffen up a little and tug at Luke's arm and nod in the mans direction.  "He's the one?" Luke asks and I nod my head. "Well then, let's go pay his gang a visit" he says as he pulls me in the mans direction.

"Switch, how was the riot yesterday?" Luke asks as we approach the guy. He turns and looks at Luke with a smile that slowly turns into a smirk as he moves his eyes to me. "It was well. I enjoyed it" he replies.
"Yeah. I'm sure you did. Because it seems to me that you had a little mishap in the hallway with my friend here" Luke says as he leans against the table and everyone goes silent. 
"If I knew he was your friend then I wouldn't have bothered him.  He was just simply in the way so I fixed the problem" switch says as Luke gets closer to him.

"Well, if you or anyone for that matter, ever lays a single hand on him, will have me to deal with.  Understand?" Switch nods and everyone in the cafeteria says "yes"   "Good. Ashton is off limits. To everyone." Luke says as he looks around the room and I keep my head down.

Everyone goes back to chatting and eating as Luke walks me to the line to get food. "You don't have anything to worry about ash, I'll handle switch later." I just nod my head and grab a tray. "Thank you lu..." Luke cuts me off as I'm about to say his name. "Don't call me by my name in front of everyone.  That's only for you and your friend to know.  Everyone here calls me dagger or top dog."

"So no one else knows your name besides me, Mikey, and the guards?" I ask and Luke nods his head.  "I'd rather keep my shit private. Now, you're gonna be dealing with a lot of shit while you're here. Don't trust anyone." He says
"Then why should I trust you?" I ask and Luke smiles "because I let you know my name"

We get our food then we go to a back table with some other guys and sit down.  "Cal, I see you've met Michael. This is Ashton, ashton this is Cal or calum." Luke says and I give him a small smile.

"You doing okay babe?" Mikey asks and I nod my head as Luke's eyes dart to Michael but I ignore it. "Yeah. He's been taking care of me" I say and mike smiles. "Good, I don't want anything else bad happening to you" I smile back and we all finish up breakfast except for Luke, who leaves unexpectedly.

"I'm gonna go check on him" I say to mike as I put my tray up and head back to my cell.  Once I get there, I see Luke sitting at his small desk. 

"Hey, why'd you leave?" I ask and he just scoffs.
"Nice to know you have a boyfriend or should I say best mate" I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Luke, michaels not my boyfriend.." I say and Luke rolls his eyes.  "Don't give me those bullshit lies. Maybe if he was here then he'd protect you but no, I'm here so I have to do it" he says in an angry tone as he stands up and shoves his chair. 

"Luke.. Mikey is my legal guardian.  Before my mom died she signed her rights over to him so he could care for me.. we're nothing more than friends.  He's like a brother to me, why are you so upset over this..?" Luke calms down as I say all of this and he sighs. 
"Im sorry ash, I'm just stressed" he says.
"No it's alright. I understand" I say as I give him a small smile. 

"I didn't mean to get mad.  It's just, you're different from everyone else in here and I feel the need to protect you. I don't know why but I do" he says as he looks at me.
"It's okay Luke, trust me. And thank you for protecting me" I say with a smile which causes him to give one of the most beautiful smiles ever seen. 

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