Are you jealous?!

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You skated off to a park that you and your friends would always go to. You called your friends. Lisa, Jennie, Lucas and Max. (And this is exactly what happens when I try to come up with guy names) They said they would all meet you at the park. You sped up more. You were now going at a speed that could send you flying if your wheel gets stuck. You saw your friends near the park entrance waiting for you and waving at you. You sped up even more.
You slowed down once you got closer.

"Damn y/n, you love speed don't you?" Lisa asked and you nodded. She giggled at your response. "You seemed to be in a rush. Did shit go down?" Jennie Asked you. "Well, you could put it that way..." you said earning a giggle from Jennie. You felt Max staring at you and it made you highly uncomfortable. You turned your head and saw he was looking at your legs. They were terribly bruised. Why you wonder? Because of Jimin. He would push you around and you'd fall hitting either the floor, wall or other objects. That's why your legs and arms would look bruised. And stupid fucking you decided to wear shorts today. "Why are you so bruised?" He asked like it was nothing.


"Well, I tend to fall a lot..." you lied. They would either call the cops or tell Jimin to square up. And you didn't want any of that. "Oh And by the way, I heard you were staying with Jimin for a few weeks right?" Jennie Asked. "Yeah..." you sighed. "Jimin is the worst part." You said. "How come? He looks so sweet." Lisa said. Your jaw dropped. "SWEET?!" You gasped. "PARK FUCKING JIMIN IS NOT SWEET!" You shouted in disbelief. Others looked at you confused. "Y/n, does something happen when he's with you?" Lucas asked you tilti his head like he was ready to throw hands. You swallowed and began to find a reasonable excuse. "Well, no. Uhhh, he's just annoying. You know?" You stuttered out. They seemed to believe it which relieved you.

The rest of the day went by with lots of fun u tik you saw Jimin. He was pacing around the town looking for you like a lost dog. You wanted to hide. "Hey, isn't that Jimin?" Lucas asked. Your heart dropped when he turned his head and looked you dead in the eye. You already knew he saw you, but still hid behind Lucas as he hugged you in a protective manner. Jimin started walking towards you which made you want to run for dear fucking life, but you stood still.

"Y/n you fucking rat! I've been looking everywhere for you!" He shouted at you and proceeded to grab onto your wrist. He pulled you out of Lucas' grip.
Eventually you found yourself being dragged into his car. Your skateboard was next to Lisa and you decided you would text her later. Right now you were seated in Jimins car and he was aggressively driving back to your house. You were surprised the cops weren't chasing you. Once you made it to your house he started dragging you inside. You could tell he was pissed just by standing next to him. You got even more scared that the others left, so if shit went down then there was no one to save your weak little ass. And you weren't wrong.

Shit did go down. You were dragged and pushed into a closet.
"Now stay there." Jimin Said before shutting the closet door and locking it.
"Oh for fuck sakes Jimin! Not again!" You whined while banging at the door.
You tried to open it in many ways, from hitting it to trying to rip it open. And guess what, nothing worked. You were stuck in the closet for about 2 hours until the door opened. The light hurt your eyes so you covered them. "Who was that guy?" He asked clearly still pissed off. "He's just a friend..." you said. "Oh really? I don't think JUST friends hug each other like that..." he said sounding even more pissed off than before.

"Wait, are you... JEALOUS?!" You gasped and giggled.
He immediately turned red. "You are!" You continued giggling which pissed him off even more. He grabbed you by hour hair and yanked you out of the closet. "Hey! That hurts!" You yelled while trying to pull away, but the more you struggled, the more hair would get ripped out. You were hitting and pinching his arm. He brought his face closer to yours. "Don't ever talk to me like that, rat." He said as he released you. You collapsed onto the floor and rubbed your scalp in pain. Tears were formin in your eyes, but you didn't want to cry. You knew that if you cried it would be more amusement for Jimin.



The story line is a bit different cause the other one was just pure CRINGE. Like bro.

Anyways, that you for over 400 reads on I'm (not) sorry 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

I 사랑 you all 😭😭😭😭😭😭

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