Tony Montana

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"Oh my god y/n. Can you not?" Jimin Asked as he was now getting annoyed by your screaming. "I KNOW FEEL LIKE ㅎ  TONY MONTANA!!!!!" You kept screaming as you saw Jimin mentally face palm. "If you don't shut the fuck up right now, I swear to god I will turn that off." He said "BANG BANG BA- Wait no!" You said a bit quieter. He sighed and kept driving. The least you could do was shut up for now. The music was still blasting almost full volume though. It took some more time and you finally arrived. As he stepped out to grab some luggage, you snatched the disc from the disc reader. "YO Y/N! HELP ME OUT IF YOU DONT WANNA SLEEP IN THE BALCONY!!" Jimin yelled from the back and you got out hiding the disc in the pocket of your hoodie. You could hide a whole cat in there, the pockets were really big.

You took your luggage and started dragging it after Jimin. You followed him to a fancy elevator. The buttons were so modern and everything was so modern. You were like a cat staring at a light. The elevator took you to what seemed like the 8th floor. Again you followed Jimin to an apartent door. You watched him unlock the door and open it to reveal an amazing looking apartment (the apartment design is all up to you)

You looked around the big windows and view. "Alright now listen up. I've got some rules" you groan at the statement. "First, you don't go in my room. I will strangle you. Literally. Second, you do whatever I tell you. Third, be back by 7PM. Oh and go out whenever you're allowed." He explained everything to you which made you feel like it was unfair. I mean 7PM. It's still bright outside. "7PM Is way too early to come home. It's still bright outside by that time!" You started complaining. "Rule number four, no complaining." He said while waving a finger in your face. "Fine..." you groaned and dragged yourself to a random room. "Alright then, that's your room." He said. You looked up to see a rather small room.

You plop down in the bed not even bothering to unpack your luggage. Fuck. This is gonna be hell. You took out the disc from your pocket and looked at it. "Life is ecstasy..." you read out. It was about a few minutes later of staring at the disc until you decided to put it in your bedside table drawer. You were slowly drifting off into sleep when you heard lots of familiar voices coming from the living room. You decided to go check it. You got up and opened your bedroom door slowly peeking out your head.

Fucking hell y/n....

It was his six twats. They were playing video games and all that other shit. "When did they get here?" You asked Jimin. "Since you were sleeping." He smirked and showed you the time. It was 8PM. You fell asleep for a few hours. "Hey Jimin, when are you gonna give me back the disc?" Yoongi asked. Your heart immediately dropped dead, knowing which disc he was talking about. "Oh yeah, it's in the disc reader. Here take my keys and go get it." Jimin said as he threw the keys over to Yoongi. And with that he walked off leaving you in panic mode. "Hey y/n, you look a little pale." Hoseok Said pointing to your overly pale face. "Oh no no! I'm fine I'm fine!" You blurted out.

5 minutes have passed after Yoongi left for the disc. You were still shaking. He wasn't coming back until he would find it. "What's taking him so long?" Namjoon Asked. "Don't tell me he got lost in a parking lot..." Jin sighed. "Again." He added which made others laugh, but you were STILL shaking. Hell, if Jimin would strangle you for dropping something, then he'll knows what he would do if he found out you took it. All you had to do was play cool.
"Fuck it, I'm calling him." Taehyung pulled out his phone and dialed Yoongis number. "Yo hyung, what's taking so long?" He asked Yoongi. "Fuck man, I can't find it anywhere. Bro I even checked under the seats." Yoongi said and continued looking for the disc. "Fuck it we'll find it another day, come back." Tae said. "Fine fuck it. But if it's broken, doesn't work or is lost, then I'm strangling Jimin and making him pay for it." Yoongi said. Tae and Yoongi exchanges nods and the line hung up. You were sweating like you just ran a marathon.

After a minute the door opened. You plopped down onto the floor next to a couch. "Any luck?" Jimin Asked. "I swear to god if you've lost it, then you better be pre-ordering a coffin." He said which made you even more scared.
You were thinking about confessing, but after hearing that.

Fuck it.


Shits getting reallllll juicy.
I don't even know.
My eyelids are failing. I think I should sleep....


-863 words-

Park Fucking Jimin [A JIMIN FF]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora