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You woke up the next morning. Your eyes were puffy from crying. "I- I cried?" You asked your reflection. After a heavy sigh you went to charge your phone. The charger was in your bedside table drawer. You opened it and your heart dropped. The disc was still there. You forgot to give it back due to the... situation... You took it in your hands and rushed to the kitchen since you weren't allowed in Jimins room. He wasn't there. Instead you found a chores list waiting for you.

Wash the dishes,
Put the cushions back,
Organise the cabinets,
Do the laundry,
Stop being a bitch.

-sincerely from Park Jimin to The Hoe That Lives With Me.

Was what the note said. Well I'm not the hoe, so I won't clean it. You took a pencil and drew a middle finger on the note.

-sincerely from Y/N.

You smiled at the result and put the disc back. You went to put on your necklace, but remembered Jimin took it. The only place you could think of was Jimins room. Well I guess he's not here now so.... You approached his room door and twisted the door knob.
It was unlocked. You took a few steps in and looked around. You went to a nearby desk and found the necklace. Jimin was at work so you never thought he'd come home. Thought...

You wanted to snoop around some more so you looked under the bed, but found nothing interesting. Your next target was the bedside table. You opened the drawer and regretted ever coming out of your mothers womb. It was.....


Your eyes widened at the sight. "Did you find anything interesting?" You heard Jimins voice cut through the silence. You jumped back and turned around to see Jimin in a police uniform. "You're a cop?" You asked as if nothing happened. "Yup, and you're about to get arrested." He said grabbing a pair of handcuffs. "FOR WHAT!" You started freaking out. "For invading my privacy." He said as he approached you. You leaped over the bed completely forgetting about the opened drawer. He looked inside and smirked. "So that's what interested you so much?" He laughed. You were blushing like crazy. "I mean, why wouldn't it? You're so curious..." he said as if he was not sexually harassing a 16 year old girl. "I told you if you go here, there will be consequences." He said putting the box back and closing the drawer. "You're not gonna hit me..." You said. "I won't..." he said turning on his heel. "Well talk about this later, I have to go." He said. "Where?" You asked. "Back to work, I was back for lunch break." He said as he walked out. "Oh, and be sure to use protection!" He yelled. "GET OUT!" You yelled as you shut the door.

You leaned against the door and sighed in embarrassment. Your head was spinning around trying to make up a convincing story of how you ended up in his room. You couldn't imagine what he would do to you when he got back. You decided to be on your phone for the time being. It was about two hours later. Jimin. Was supposed to be back in an hour since he doesn't have much work. You were thinking of what to do next. Your mind was lost in a land far away even though you should think about arguments to throw at Jimin.
Your actions had to be briefly explained to avoid trouble. Well not all of it, but some of it. You kept thinking and thinking until the door opened.

Well fuck, you only live once.

"Why isn't anything done?" He asked surprised. "Because I'm not a hoe." You said crossing your legs. "You sure?" He aksed. "Very." You answered. "Damn, what an artist you are." He said looking at the middle finger drawn on the paper. "A good one indeed." You said proudly. He crumbled the paper and threw it in a trash can. He wasnt saying anything about the situation from earlier so you went to your room. "Where are you going?" He asked. "To my room." You said now sweating coldly as your hand was placed on the door knob. "I'm still not done with you." He said as he walked a bit closer.
You tired around and stared at his movements. "The situation from earlier." He said coming even closer. "What about it?" You asked sweating even more. "What brought you there?" He asked placing an arm next to your head. "I was looking for... my necklace!" You said not as confidently as before. "But I guess you found something else." He said slyly. You were quiet. "So what... what are you going to do?" You asked fearfully. "Me? I won't hit you or take away your necklace, but there's something else I can take away...." he said with a long pause. It worried you a lot. "Your virginity." He said as if it was totally okay. "NO!" You screamed as you shoved him away. "I WONT LET YOU!" You screamed. "I won't ask for permission." He said running his fingers through his hair. You were tearing up at this point. "You're insane!" You yelled as tears started running down your cheeks. "You're a cop! You should know better!" You yelled at him. "I do." He said still keeping his cocky attitude. "Get away! I'll call the cops!" You threatened. He bursted into laughter. "You're calling the cops on a cop?! That's fucking hilarious!" He laughed. "Now who do you think they'll believe more, me, a trusted worker or you, a dumbass that called the cops on a cop?" He asked you as he straightened up. "OFCOURSE THEYLL BELIEVE ME! IM THE VICTIM!" You yelled at him. "Not yet, but soon to be." He said as he came closer once again. "Jimin I swear to god-" you tried to say, but instead your thigh was met by a cold hand. You started tearing up again. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle..." he said.



"Y/n, you did so great today! You're just as cute as ever! Everyone will be very gentle with you." Said the man that your father has signed a contract with. You started breathing heavily. You were on the floor. An 8 year old little girl on the floor barely clothed.
Being surrounded by adults. "Just a few more hours for a few more hundreds, you can do it."

*End of flashback*

"No...." you kept repeating. "Hm?" Jimin hummed as he looked at your overly pale face. "NO!! PLEASE!! ANYTHING BUT GENTLE!!!" You screamed hitting his back. He raised his eyebrows in shock. "PLEASE ANYTHING BUT GENTLE!!" You cried out hitting his back harder until he let go of your shaking body. You collapsed onto the floor and grabbed a fistful of your hair. "ANYTHING BUT GENTLE!!" You kept repeating as the tears flowed more rapidly. Jimin came closer to you and tried to pick you up from the floor, but you slapped his hand away. "STAY AWAY!!" You screamed as you backed away into a corner.


Well damn.

I guess I couldn't write anything without childhood trauma 🤦‍♀️

-1214 words-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2019 ⏰

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