
17 1 0

It was now 3 days after the incident. You and Jimin didn't really talk to each other. He would usually be put somewhere. He would never tell. You felt lonely. You always needed to talk to someone, but there was no one by your side. You again were sighing out of boredom in your room when you heard the doorbell ring. You immediately ran downstairs to open it since Jimin wasn't home. It was the mailman. He was a nice man you had to admit. A repectful age, always kind and shares jokes. This time his face seemed to have a worried expression. "I'm sorry to dissapointed you y/n, but you didn't pay in time and the thing is, you're getting evicted. You'll need to find somewhere to live or someone to live with. I'm truly sorry." He said that in one go and it made your heart shatter. Mom won't be happy to find out. She didn't send any money to pay the bills with and that's what lead to this situation. There's no fucking way you'd be living with Jimin for what seems like the rest of your life. That mother ducker would make up his rules whenever he'd want to. He didn't care if it was his place or not. You took the letter and bowed to the mailman miserably. "Thank you, have a nice day." You said in a cold time and closed the door.

You went back up to your room, but heard the door open again. You knew it was Jimin, so you didn't even bother to check. "Y/n!" You heard him yell downstairs. You groaned and went downstairs with the letter. "Read it." Was all you said as you shoved it toward Jimin. He smiled at the letter and looked up at you. "Well you're just in luck. I bought an apartment. You know what that means?" He said. "Wait! There's no fucking way I'm living with you!" You yelled at him. "Well shit y/n, that's just the way life is." He said as he put the letter on the table. "And there's nothing you can do about it. We're leaving in a day." He said as he smirked looking at your angry, sad and miserable expression.

You dragged yourself to your room and packed up the things you needed. You always had anger management issues.
The only thing that would help you calm down is Agust D. A song that chills your beans. You put in your earbuds and put it on full volume while quietly cursing out the words. After you were done packing you dragged your shit to the front door. You plopped down onto the sofa and sighed in defeat.

This was it. No more fun. It over.

You went to call your mother and tell her about the whole situation.

"Hey mom, I'm getting kicked out because you didn't send me any money." You said as soon as she answered. "Oh sweetie it's ok. And I'm sorry. By the way Jimin bought an apartment so you'll have to move in with him. That'll be fun." She said joyfully. You mentally face palmed and sighed. "Mom. I don't want to." You said while you were waiting for Jimin to pop out of nowhere and complain. Again. "Well I'm sorry honey, but that's the way it is." She said. "Bye." You said as you angrily hung up. You went back to your room, or tried. Jimin deadass popped out of nowhere and blocked your way. "You didn't tell her anything, right?" He asked as he leaned on the wall blocking your door. "No, but don't make me." You said keeping a straight face. "Woah! You don't want to be stuffed into a closet again, do you?" He asked leaning closer to you. You gathered up all the courage to push him away and did. "Just remember, my apartment, my rules." He scoffed and walked away. You went into your room and felt tired. You changed into your pijamas and plopped down onto the bed. It took you some time, but you slowly drifted off to sleep.

~Magical time skip~

Your body was shaken awake by Jimin.
Your barely opened eyes settled on the time that said 4:48 AM. "Bro What the fuck, it's 4 in the morning." You said as you rolled onto your other side. "It's gonna be a long ride." He said as he stood there beside your bed. "Piss off." You said as you rolled into your overly comfortable blanket. "How about you piss off." He said as he rolled you off the bed. You landed on your right side harshly. "You little-" You were cut off by a loud stomp next to your head. Jimin almost crushed your head with his foot that signaled you he was pissed. "C'mon dingus, get the fuck up and drag your shit to the car if you don't want to be dragged on the road." He said walking away. You groaned and dressed up in a comfy hoodie, pants and pulled your hair into a ponytail. You put on your shoes and started dragging your luggage to the car. The cold air hit your skin and made you shiver. After dragging your stuff to the car you got inside and enjoyed the warm feeling. After Jimin put everything in, he got in and passed you the keys. He started the car and drove to a house management building to drop off the keys to the management. After that he bang to drive, no more like speed to his new apartment. The ride was long and boring as promised, but your music helped out. You put in both earbuds and put the volume up. It was a few minutes of listening to the music until it was cut off. Jimin pulled the earbuds out and disconnected them from your phone. "YO! WHAT THE FUCK?!" You yelled as you tried to grab them from him. Damn, he could drive and move around at the same time. "JIMIN!!" You whined, But he laughed at you.

"I know you're listening to your biggest crush~" he trasingly said. "Man fuck you! Give them back!" You whined.
"No." He said as he threw them somewhere in the back seat. "BRO!" You yelled. He pulled over to a nearby parking lot and went though some discs. One in particular caught your eye. "SHIT! YOU HAVE AGUST D?!!!" You screamed in excitement. "Yeah." He said and looked at you while smirking. "Play it!" You begged. "Hmm.. let me think..." he annoyingly said as he purposely threw the disc to the side where the ignored discs would go. "BRO YOU CANT JUST THROW IT!" You gasped seeing how he abused the poor disc :(

"Fine, But then you'll do the chores around the apartment." He said. "Yeah yeha whatever!" You said without hesitation impatiently waiting for him to put it in the disc reader. Your heart began beating really fast when the disc went in.  Once you heard the song start you blasted it almost full volume. "OK JEEZ CHILL YOUR FUCKING BEANS!" He said as he put the volume down a bit. And with that you both left while you were screaming the lyrics.



I think you might be sick of hearing about Agust D this whole chapter lmao. Sorry.

By the way thank you for reading ( if there even are people like that :'))

-1243 words-

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